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 I'm starting to think that one of the big problems with America's Constitution is that the penalties for violating constitutional rights are insufficient.

For example, if you violate the constitutional rights of millions of Americans, perhaps that should be worthy of the guillotine. Even if you're the president.

Just spitballing; all I'm sure of is that those in power are not sufficiently afraid of violating our rights. 
 Sona, sona, sona carmagnola... 
 They're all a part of a big club that has ruined America.

The Bar Association.   
 I learned that enforcement of law is worth more then the penalty. You can get capital punishment for stealing an apple but if nobody enforces it anyone does it anyway 
 The problem is that a piece of paper is insufficient to support the implementation of the penalties, no matter how severe they may be. That's why the founders set it up so that they would great the people. The fingers knew that if the government stopped fearing the actual people no piece of paper would ever do it for us. 
 That piece of paper doesn't enforce rights. Obviously that's just the rules. People must pursue remedy of violation of their rights in court.

Although most are corrupt, the more of us who stand up (without a lawyer, because there is much more you can do), the more that says to them: "This needs to change." It also helps to know that there are many more adults in the appeallate/supreme courts.

Fixing your local area is easier. It only takes a few in each county to make a difference.  
 We can't trust the federal government to make sure the federal government doesn't break the rules.  Although I would prefer the people to be in charge, it isn't practical.  We need the states to be able to overrule anything the Federal government does and punish any federal politicians who break their oaths.  Although it isn't explicit, I believe that was the understanding when the constitution was written.  We need to get back to the states being a check on the federal government instead of purely subservient to the federal government.  Going back to states appointing senators would also help. 
 And the counties a check on the states. 
 Absolutely.  Bring the power back closer to the people. 
 We need guns, lots of guns. 
 The constitution will never protect you in case of emergency that the state can invent and declare anytime. The best idea is to become leaderless, ungovernable and move where the state has very little power over you, but also with money first to defund them.

 Imagine those in power being afraid of breaking the law. 
 Would have to literally guillotine every politician...

... I'm in 
 We’ve given them no reason to be 
 That's a pretty fine spitball right there. 
 One of the biggest problems with today’s government is lack of accountability. 

“Oh we fucked up, sorry”

*continues to do the same shit again* 
 The problem with the Constitution is that it doesn't stop the government from getting big enough to violate our rights in the first place. 
 Justice is the measure of freedom!