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 It really sucks getting turned down for a job because I have "too much experience". 😮‍💨

I'm trying to move forward in my career. If you need an expert web developer who thinks outside the box and can make amazing things happen, hit me up and I'll send over my CV/résumé.

Friends boost friends 🫂🔄 
 Yo doe​ 

Maybe a potential venture? 
 Thanks @Jor but he is doing same job as I do. He is more experienced. 
 Too experienced 😂 
 Well I know what Jor had in mind. But I am at start of building business where I have barely enough gigs for myself at the moment. He meant for me to cooperate with you in my venture. 
 Best of luck in that! Keep me in mind 🫡 
 Will do 🫡 
 I'm going to start building a list of fellow web developers looking for gigs. I also started a business, but the problem right now is lack of clients. Its a slow grind for sure.  
 Lemme host 
 Derp need to dm you.  
 What do you like working with/on?  
 I have a lot of wordpress experience, but mostly my skill set lies on the sysadmin side doing server management / backend stuff. I use things like webflow for design.  
 You can add me to that list, too. I've been hovering between WordPress for vast extensibility and client-updateable content, and then really wanting to use React for more projects. 
 Sign me up! 
 I just read your profile page. Do you have any examples of what you've done with tailwind? I could use someone to help with styling etc. Also have you built anything with svelte?  
 Hey I will send you a DM 
 Why not focus on freelance work? Thru Upwork, Fiverr etc 
 You'd understand if you had experience using either of those platforms 
 I'm not sure who can actually complete on those platforms and actually take pride in their work. I'm sure some people figure it out, but that's not me. I cant design and build you a scratch website for anywhere close $300 or whatever nutty price others can do. Also if you're American your competing with others in much cheaper cost of living areas its just not feasible for popular development work. I have to assume other people resell this work because it can be so absurdly cheap.  
 Not only American. Us from Europe also have problems because guys from India/Pakistan etc work for peanuts there. They will underbid everything. 
 The critical aspect is that it's a race to the bottom of the barrel. Everyone wants to either be the cheapest or hire the cheapest, so you end up with a pool of retards on both sides of the equation. 
 Totally agree. I sometimes apply for some longterm jobs that have decent money on table but still they low ball even there lol 
 I'm seeing your notes, how is this possible  
 A few years ago I realized that I can no longer apply for jobs that were advertised.  Now I have to use my network because people wouldn’t take me seriously when i just applied for stuff.  
 Right on. Good advice. It's probably better that way since then you have a connection from the start. 
 That’s a good point 
 I was once turned down because “they couldn’t afford me” but we never got to actually discussing salary expectations. Another time i got turned down because they were worried if I was hired in to the satellite office then I’d some how convert it in to being their main engineering office. That last one was funny, becuase i wasn’t even applying for a management role, just a senior engineering role. They just assumed, perhaps correctly, that I wouldn’t just stay doing that and I’d likely start managing things. At the time I was burned out from working remotely and just wanted an office to go in to with coworkers in person. 

Eventually I gave up on working for other people and went back to making my own thing. Which is way harder, but i get to more directly shape the nature of my work.  
 Yeah, recruiters can also help. 
 I will hire you as an ALT (assistant language teacher).  We get a lot of IT guys in Japan who end up going into teaching English. 😛  Then on the side you could also help me convert my city into a bitcoin city and upgrade all the local shops to include online and international orders.  Our mayor is very forward thinking and welcomes foreigners. 
 So I don't live in Japan but this sounds awesome. Mind DMing me? 
 If the problem is too much experience maybe say you're "a retarded web dev" instead of " expert web dev". 
 Good luck! 
 Sucks. That is such a silly reason to give someone. Maybe they didn’t reflect well what the job was about? 
 We are hiring software engineers like crazy if you are in the East coast of the US or Europe. Feel free to dm me if you want more info! 
 Become a consultant?  Better hours. Better pay. 
 🧘‍♂️ I consult, therefore I am

Did it work? 

 Maybe I’m just getting old and cranky but “too much experience” as a reason for not hiring someone just sounds like boardroom speak for : we want someone who doesn’t know their value that we can manipulate into overworking themselves for subpar pay while constantly dangling the promise of bigger and better things to keep them on the hook for as long as possible. 

People in positions of power don’t much care for those who know their worth and carry the experience to be able to advocate for themselves. 
 What kind of tech?  What languages are you experimenting with?  Or what is one of your current favorite tools or libraries?  
 I'm a software engineer with a specialty in web development and an emphasis in 3D/geospatial. I use TypeScript and the other web stuff, Python, Postgresql. My favorite library is ThreeJS and currently my favorite tool is using web workers for multithreaded web apps. 
 Wow didn’t think to read your profile. My bad. You are into some rocking stuff. Maybe you should be looking for a research grant instead of an employer? 🧑‍🏫🤔 

But I’ll think what I may know about. Can you pm me where you’re located: re work?  
 I did apply for a full time OpenSats grant but I'm still waiting to hear back on it... can't wait around forever, gotta keep moving forward. I'm based out of North Dakota USA.  
 Glad ya found a great new opportunity! 
 You guys are amazing! Thanks for the incredible support. I have +6 job options to look into now! 🔥
 This is really common in IT, actually.
Either hard to find something or chronically underemployed, once you reach a certain level.

 it's usually not "too much experience" but rather "we can't afford you" 
 Hello fantastic nostr people. I was blown away by your incredible support when I posted the below note. I had 10+ job opportunities pepper my inbox within hours. What a powerful statement to this community. I was overwhelmed 🙏 and now I have a new job! Here's the note from a month ago; scroll down to find out more...
Over the last month I have weighed many different opportunities, and I am excited to announce that I have accepted the position of CTO for FanFares.io run by  @ShortFiat!

 @FanFares.io is building an open source PWA that enables podcasters and content creators to publish and monetize their content via nostr rails and lightning micropayments. There are tons of exciting things coming that I'm excited to talk about in the near future, like at BTC Prague 🤙 see you there!

I am still deeply committed to ONOSENDAI and completing my OpenSats grant, which Simon has been fully supportive of, so my schedule will allow for this.

I'm not sure about the future of Yondar since my company ran out of funding to develop it, but it's open source so I have faith that it will live on somehow.

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work in the nostr space. I am grateful for my 16 years at the marketing agency where I started my career, but this next step is much needed and a perfect fit.

So, thank you wonderful nostr people for supporting me and showing your care. It has meant the world to me. I am SO ready to put 100% of my time and focus on nostr and bitcoin development. I feel like my work at FanFares is going to have a measurable and immediate impact on nostr and bitcoin adoption and I can't wait to get started! 👾💜 
 Wonderful news 🥳🫂🫂 congratulations! 
 Glad to hear there are some good things happening over here!

BTW I’m also looking :P