Need different viewers. 😂
Timelines trigger my doomscrolling habit, suppress the formation if communities (which we then correct for with algos, DVMs, and lists), and and make it harder to find relevant information or concentrate on a particular thread, than a forum, group, or news viewer would. For example.
The doomscrolling is a problem for me, I confess.
But its also a sign that Nostr has a lot more content than when even I joined...
Do we need a different term? I always thought doomscrolling was being trapped in a continuous stream of negativity, hate, hurt. Don’t see much of that on here. How about hopescrolling?
I think I’m following the point though. Scrolling is a great way to find new/unexpected things but that taps right into the dopamine. Would be great to switch between scrolling and something else for focus!
Scrolling means you have to limit yourself by time, rather than being able to prioritize. This is the essential issue. You might get caught up in a really fun shitpost thread and laughing over a funny joke, because they appeared higher up, and then your time alloted runs out and you close the app, to go cook dinner... and miss your fren writing that her dad died.
It be like that.
Oh, I’ve done this before! Am on board with breaking free. You suggested something like a personal/limited relay right? Doesn’t solve the scrolling issue but limits the pool of potential distractions, I guess. Seems like it will always come down to intent though - being deliberate in where I would allow myself to become distracted.
I'm thinking a step further: using private relays (not necessarily a personal one, could be a group of people) to create a new type of client.
I'm about a few hrs away from coding my own client because i can't take this scrolling anymore, and i don't care if anyone doesn't like my client i need to be able to sort people the way i want to and read those feeds independently, OR start creating separate accounts for following different groups
I was also thinking about separating by accounts, but that feels more like a work-around, than an innovation.
At the moment, I'm separating relays by client, with my high-priority/community relay alone in Amethyst. Another work-around.