I have failed, but newbies sometimes gotta touch the stove themselves I guess https://i.nostr.build/zKTyiiLlmJAGmvNZ.jpg
Luckily I have not invested in shitcoins (because Iām poor, I totally would have bought BCH and IOTA when those were new)
I am getting dunked in hard today nostr:nevent1qqs8dq6g397yrjn8kmeqvw23s8t74myp42jm4hhcpj44rgpf5j5gs0qpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuat50phjummwv5hsyg8zenmu7gzq8ulj5jj4kv50ph3muwz43f747vmr9ld2alrjdswgavpsgqqqqqqs3fy8ur
Eu ensinando bitcoin pra um amigo essa semana e ele me aparecendo uma uma shit de um meme que eu nunca ouvi falar hahahahaha. Faz parte do processo. nostr:nevent1qqs8dq6g397yrjn8kmeqvw23s8t74myp42jm4hhcpj44rgpf5j5gs0qppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsw9n8heusyq0el9f99tveg7r0rhcu9tznatuekxt764m78ymqu36crqsqqqqqp2j65cx