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 South America sounds great for the next nostr.world conference. What do you guys think? 

 GitHub comments seem to love Australia. Lots of consensus for Australia it seems. 
 That's just ausies pumping on GH, most folks don't participate on gihub.  
 Where are most folks commenting then?  
 Bigger countries must have more people here, in #nostr 
 Nostr only for those of us non-techs  
 I live in the USA and I voted for Nostralia. Don’t trust, verify. 
 You sure ? you sure it wasn’t that it wasn’t going the way yall wanted it to go aka South America ? lol 

hella sus & even outside GH the consensus ISNT South America so why bother asking if yall have no intention in listening https://i.nostr.build/oqM8NfHylFOMpnUZ.jpg  
 My point exactly! 
 Man, remember when Australia imprisoned Novak Djokovic for not wanting to bend the knee? They literally put the world's healthiest human in a cage for "health reasons". Now it's obvious that he was on the right side of history, but we still haven't seen an apology. That, plus the whole "five eyes" thing doesn't make Australia too appetizing for me. 

Just my 2 sats.  
 I wouldn’t set foot on that island if you paid me. 
 Your government scares me just as much as my own does.

I can just stay here and be aggravated. 
 I feel politics should be left to the side and best to do what’s good for Nostr and growing Nostr. 
 It sounds like Australia might need Nostr the most then? 

To be clear, I don't care where we go. I'll be there no matter what. 
 You are prob right that Australia needs Nostr more than most. I just don't feel like going there. 😅 

But same as you, I'll go wherever the event ends up.  
 I hear France really likes censorship resistant networks.  
 👆 I’ll go wherever it is also.  Just don’t let them co-opt the nostrich with a kangaroo.

No props for Africa? 
 Bad AUStrich joke 
 Must be pick on Australia Day.😜 
 What you said 🤙🏽 
 I love the aus nostriches, and I am not voluntarily stepping in the gulag 
 I always wanted to travel to AUS but yes after the shit they've pulled in the last few years, it's moved waaaay down on my list

Prison island  
 Wow, I didn’t realize until now that they literally imprisoned him.

Quote from Novak’s father: https://i.nostr.build/VxtMDEm7752lPloY.jpg  
 good times when I wasn't allowed to go into stores... good ol' times

 New Zealand also needs nostr 
 Well that was years ago and things have changed.
The biggest and best part of having it in Oz is that we have Julian Assange since he lives here and who better than him to attend Nostr in person? 
 If he even agrees to attend.   
 Stella said he would. 
 Love that! 
 He's got a point.... Australia was the fucking worst...   I had friends who had the worst time and it took forever to escape and leave the country. 

Yeah. It's a no vote for me. But I will go if ya'll decide it's happening there and is in the flow for me. 

 Being downunder & in the worse city for lockdowns during covid (Melbourne) Many of us pushed back with weekly peaceful demonstrations, but it was when the ‘rubber bullets’ came out that many of the normies said ‘i give up, too hard’ 

We have that period to thank for the ‘awakeness’  that many gained from all the censorship at the time.  A good % of those that pushed back ended up finding alternative media/news sources .  I’m doing my best to wake up a few of my close friends to bitcoin/nostr freedoms 👌 
 thank you, for sharing and pushing back!  
 Remember that issue, yeah. What is the „five eyes“ thing though? 
 Derek 🫂 
 It's we land in Australia so be it. Heard some shady stories about customs there so personally I'm hesitant on traveling there.  
 From Australians 😂 
 I really like the idea of having it in Australia and inviting nostr:nprofile1qqsr80thu5u52gr5074wzw22ft6l53l5qsufva3htdku005xtmvpg5spzdmhxue69uhhqatjwpkx2urpvuhx2ue0tk4rx4 and Julian. 
 i was thinking the same thing 
 Reminds me of the nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gprfmhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5hszxmhwden5te0wfjkccte9emk2um5v4exucn5vvhxxmmd9us2xuyp quote:

"WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us. **\[...\]**  I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use NOSTR.  NOSTR is a small beta community in its infancy.  You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage."

 I'm for Australia but not Julian fwiw, unless he's surrendered his ego 
 NAustr 🦘🇦🇺 
 Next year Nostalia?
 We need to see doot on stage. 
 Australia could be either the best or worst choice for the next Nostr unconference.

We have DigitalID rolling out by the end of this year. We also have an mis- & disinformation bill in parliament that will roll out within the next year which seeks to give our Ministry of Truth the ability to remove content from the internet if it could result in “harm”, and “harm” is so broadly defined (pic 1) that it’s going to give them free reign to censor anything and everything.

The MoT run by eKaren (an American woman who is 100% a CIA asset) has been tasked by parliament to develop a roadmap toward social media identity verification and have it implemented by August 2025 (pic 2).

This is now being publicly pushed as FoR dA cHILdReN after eKaren censored videos of a Bishop being stabbed by an immigrant, ordered Xitter to take them down GLOBALLY and then lost a court battle because they didn’t have that authority - they’re shoring up the law so the courts won’t have any choice but to allow them do whatever they want, and they can identify anyone who posts wrongthink.

By the time the next unconference rolls around it’s likely #AUStriches will be fully KYCed for all other social media.

So obviously we need #nostr, and interest here could be massive - possibly the first version of the event to break out beyond our existing sphere.

However, whilst the odds are low, they’re non-zero that the Gov will fuck this up. Denying visas is their most likely course of action (if any) - they’ve done this heaps of times for politically unfavoured individuals. 

I don’t think they’ll gulag Nostr CEOs next year, odds of that are very low, but I don’t know they won’t either. More likely go after relay operators.

But this is probably the last chance to do it in Aus. Go out 12 months beyond these laws rolling out and I reckon then it would be too uncomfortable and the Gov would be more ready to come down on this.

I reckon it’s now or never. https://i.nostr.build/D3SzkllYEPs9Q19V.jpg https://i.nostr.build/c7CrdluD9HCNQAY4.jpg  
 Yikes. It honestly sounds like Australians need Nostr now more than ever. 
 Yep, and Nostr could take off here because of the crackdowns. 

But people need to bear in mind this isn’t the US; we don’t have constitutionally protected free speech, we’re a developed prison colony which LARPs about being laidback and lucky when in reality we’re Canada with nicer weather. 
 yea, but my kids love the show Bluey. Thats some fine aussie animation right there. 
 Also we're full. 
 Land of the commies. Beautiful place, but I’d be careful not to get locked down there if I were you. Had some friends who lost their minds last time 
 Sounds great! 
 How about North America? 
 Agree. South America has my vote. Given politics, Brazil might be too risky. Argentina, too chaotic. Uruguay is a solid choice (been there, feels like Spain/Portugal). Another option might be a special economic zone (SEZ) like Prospera (not quite South America). /cc @NVK 
 Che Boludo! 

 When you know... you know 
 Argentina is in the right momentum 
 In March, Buenos Aires is a beautiful city to visit. 
Logistically, it's much easier to get there with direct flights. 

We can combine it with a Bitcoin event (friends organizing that for those dates) 🍊🔥.
 Love Uruguay 
 That would be my first choice. Excellent conference facility right by the seashore in the middle of the city. Super safe city. 
 But what about the name then!? #Nostruguay? 🤪 
 Depends on how you pronounce the last syllable. 
 #Nostrina and ##Nostrilia Spind better 
 Never been to Uruguay but has been on my list. Count me in! 
 Uruguay Is near 
 This is the seaside conference facility viewed from the top floor of the hotel across the street in Montevideo. Awesome sandy beach to the right (out of view) https://image.nostr.build/debdccc61b755db6e1b99d585c77a796236fde45670fae0e01f8a434ee9545da.jpg  
 so beatifull😍 
 Paraguay, anyone? 
 Argentina. I have been looking for an excuse to go there 
 in Argentina we need it... it would be great
en argentina lo necesitamos... sería genial 
 Ojalá! Siempre escucho buenas cosas del país y su gente, los argentinos que he conocido soléis ser buena onda, y ahora creo que es buen momento hacer cosas allí. 
 es un país bellísimo, con miles de paisajes: cataratas, sierras, cordilleras, galseares, playas, monte...  
 Yes!! Would be very cool to do it in South America! 
 Yes anywhere south America. 
 siii de 1... hay q hacerlo q opinas @negr0 
 Will they dare to enter the Cuban gulag ??? 👀🇨🇺 
 Apparently there’s a Nosterfield in England. Would be a suitable place given the name but also given the free speech shenanigans going on there recently. 
 Any other conference there to tag onto? 
 Argentina espera esto 
 En Buenos Aires Argentina 🇦🇷 tenemos nuestra sede para hacer un side event el último día de la jornada 
 Argentina is the place !  
 Buenos Aires is the best option right now in South América for the next nostr conference

💜 #Nostraires 🧡🇦🇷

 Argentina pa 🧉 
 Sure does #buenostres 
 Buenos Aires. You can't imagine the purple pilling that will happen + how beautiful and fun is the city. 

Buenos Aires 2025 
 Throwing in Antigua, Guatemala as an option to consider. 

✈️ Relatively easy to get to. 45 minutes from Aurora International Airport which has direct flights from Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Bogota, US Hubs, Madrid. 

⛺️ Abundant lodging ecosystem for all tastes and budgets 

🏟️Abundance of venues 

⛲️ Beautiful architecture

🧳 Super tourist friendly 

🚶🏻‍♀️🚶 Walkable

🌎 Regularly filled with people from all over the world

😎 Affordable

🌞 Perfect weather 

☕️ World famous coffee 

🌋Can look at or climb volcanoes 

 #nostraya 💜
 Nicaragua is in the center of the Americas 💜  
 Nostraires 🇦🇷 2025 
 I don’t know why you guys are missing the point of having Nostr front and centre of the world by having Julian Assange attend in Australia?
Show me someone much better than him. 
 I'm so keen for anywhere Central or South America since I'll most likely be that way somewhere - hopefully El Salvador or Paraguay. I've just spent the last ten months down under (New Zealand). I leave next month with no plan to return for a decent amount of time. 😅 
 So many great countries out there! 
 Japan is one of the best. 
 Wen back in town ? 
 I would vote for Uruguay 
 I like it.   
 #Nostraires 🇦🇷 
 You are going to make me want to go.      Keep it up 
 A comunidade no Brasil está crescendo, por razões obvias, seria bom se fosse na Argentina, muitos brasileiros  iriam para lá, eu inclusive. Pois no Brasil é capaz do rei Alexandre proibir o evento.