of course not, you still need to make yourself dangerous and costly to attack, the same way Bitcoin must do that. but that is also something individuals can do. It is only our modern world that would have you believe that it is natural for individuals to depend on others for such critical defense. A few individuals with nuclear weapons can keep even the greatest army in the world at bay. North Korea is no shining example of freedom for its citizens, but geopolitically, it is the most free nation on earth. It can hack, steal, launder, and organize itself and its society as its leaders see fit. It can do anything it wants because its too costly to attack. Bitcoin does that. You can do that, too. Many insurgents around the world do this quite easily, and they prove very difficult to destroy. Being free is uncomfortable, but it is possible. Will the masses choose this? Never. But that is only to say that most people don't want freedom, most people want safe slavery. What do you want?