JFC, what Micky mouse shit is this https://image.nostr.build/2b799dbb87f7c3eb7b9e8a2d3a088fd405be15a320b678357aa0dabb377436fe.jpg
Top is in! 😂
wait til the old lady hears about this… https://media4.giphy.com/media/XWJhb2RI0qjnO/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91yzs6w91mt661nvbywj6cw277atbn4yo9u6jg0wzx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
Swan vibes have been bad and continue to get worse
Yeah, my fortress ‘legacy’ account withdrawal has been at pending for 48 hours. I think my DCA will be joining my 3.80% btc on fiat at River before months end.
What a fucking shitshow!
Such a bad look. Swan's business model is weak and does not have your back. Virtically integrate your own custody solution Swan.
people need another round of NYKNYB
Steady lads, deploying more capital.
Every “credible” bitcoin voice (you know who you are) that still promotes Swan on their podcasts needs to take a hard look at their contractual sponsorship obligations.
FatBear doesn't have a podcast to sell out
The fine print https://media.tenor.com/O4qPlNvRxIwAAAAd/south-park.gif
Why not just custody it themselves?
I'll let you guess. It rhymes with Pegulations.
Just checked my account, they hit me for $125. Christ.
They have been a big disappointment and a poorly managed company. I haven’t conducted any transactions with them since 2023 and am glad they don’t have any Bitcoin or funds of mine currently to hit me with that $125 fee. I have been using River ever since.