I'm literally the biggest idiot here, that's my M.O. 😡😤 But yeah just my gut feeling... I think nostr does have a this Other, very curious aspect to it. I think you're totally right.
🫂 Idiots unite 😂
Being able to build on nostr is a totally underplayed / lesser known aspect to it, maybe?
P E R M I S S I O N L E S S 🚀
Can you explain what you envision this permissionlesness will be used for? nostr:nevent1qqsqvws9lz920vqkaky6r23kyvutf5xjspks362d3pphuv863r0zwmspremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet59upzqnrde83vq9hqdc656n5pw035zjk77up0lm4swflrg0kmtneu7w4fqvzqqqqqqy483m5m
Nostr has this "other" value. It hasn't been quantified yet, but when it has been, look the fuck out. nostr:nevent1qqsww8r4mmz57s4lyyu93vwjqp7ppwp0dv76df8nytkj2z2tfxf9x4sppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsfeg9aw3g8gtt2yqcecr3af3nee8syd2wuwr5w74wzjp0zgpfrgzcrqsqqqqqp87977j
#nostr is to big social as #Linux was to big OS .. exact same vibe .. same creative forces unleashed .. nostr:nevent1qqsv8j233gzqpk5lydxxjacjcpgjmg8mqz0txxuvxvv207pets8qpkqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgsda2memtapc2lykjnd8t9px4ake2stw39lg6k49xj6u3jz3pteu6qrqsqqqqqpksxt0z