A baby is a mixture of the mother and father genes and a mysterious third element which will develop into his own individuality later on. That's how a genius may emerge out of complete morons as parents. This is why Hitler was completely wrong by thinking you can have a better world if you kill all the sandniggers. In fact this is even worse because anyone eliminated prematurely will come back ten times stronger in their future iterations. The proper way to get rid of dead weight in any civilization is to make them depressed by their own choice so their future karma will dictate worse and worse destinies. Btw, this is one of the reasons TV was invented. The entire physical world is a pyramid of people outsourcing their sins from top to bottom. Only stupid people commit real crimes. Said people think they only live once.
evil is error... evil is retardation... liars waste half of their brains keeping two versions of history to maintain their webs of deception
they are inherently inferior
Yeah, honesty is the building block of anyone thinking clearly. When you lie you only borrow from your future self and debt is not halal. 😁
It's interesting watching parts of you that you may or may not love being expressed through your children.
There's only so much you can shape them too. There's something unique in each of them wanting to get out.
Software and hardware a bit improved compared to the parents. This is how babies end up topping their parents on average.
Insightful. Karma is very much real