You say 'we' and 'our' like individual property rights don't exist. That isn't consistent with American ideals. Companies should be free to come and go without government using any 'lever' to try and control economics. All they really need to do is fuck off and companies probably wouldn't want to leave. Using force always breaks something in an economy, even if you have the perception of fixing something else. Laissez-faire is the only rational policy and it's also the only policy consistent with freedom. Americans and companies can fix everything on their own by having government just fuck off entirely. Do nothing except remove all the somethings that broke everything.
Makes sense. I’m over here munching popcorn while watching the political happenings right now as I’m reading about how civilizations have tried throughout the ages to offer both freedom and longevity. I don’t have an answer for us, obviously. Stepping way back is what affords the perspective I put forward. I prefer a free market. I’m guessing that if something good comes from what’s happening, I think it falls in line with what I laid out. The cost of someone grabbing the steering wheel at the top of a nation of free people, is that it sucks when it messes with their individual freedoms and goals.