It happens to as many people hoarding gold as those keeping it in a bank. Personally, I would rather risk the slight possibility that, not only did they see what I deposited it, but they also have a way of stealing it, over the slightest chance of someone getting desperate and trying to rob my house for it. You’re talking about risk profiles and yours is actually riskier than mine. 😂 I’m risking losing some money in order to stay safe. You’re risking your life because you think your house is safer. I don’t suppose you’re voting for trump..
Mine is definitely not riskier than a bank box. You claimed that "It happens to as many people hoarding gold as those keeping it in a bank" but I couldn't disagree more. I'd say it happens once or twice a year to people at home (who aren't as careful as I am) but hundreds of times every month for various reasons to safety deposit boxes somewhere. If for no other reason than simple bank robberies. Do you have stats to back up your claim? I'm not a voter, by the way.