I use gossip on Linux mint. Replies live inside your inbox on the left sidebar. In my case it doesn't seem like gossip knows about the multitudes I've followed through Amethyst. I know there's something about advertising/publishing your relay lists but I don't know exactly what that is
yeah, gossip configuration is hard
i don't even bother using it because i always open it up and get zero posts and i can't figure out how to add relays and it doesn't do any searches to find my relay list, which is uberghey as vitor has been mentioning today about the problem of big outbox lists... it should be scanning the network for outboxes, that should find your relay list and then it should `just work™️ `
I clicked followed in the sidebar, then top right "edit list" button, and then merge, and that brought in all the missing people
That is good. Person-List merging is manual because of the clobber issue.