I made some wrong decisions :)
Look up a dictionary, there are pictures of you defining yourself. However, you don’t know the person, and perhaps you don’t need to know, and thus, the language reflects the fact of outcome, since the cause is unknown, and not really clients for mainvolume to be on he accommodating window shopping for. So difficult to call it a choice when you don’t know having one.
So I don’t know about which choices that you would have done differently.
In my path of life i have the opportunity to work and live in the tropics. For what i know now, took the easy path. Right now, looking at nowerdays world, i should have do it differently. That was a choice what i made..
You weep over imperfections of your incompetence. 🤦
Crushing was it. 🤭
Overcoming crushing defeats quantum. 🤦 Sometimes heroin is not that bad of beat to bear when failure jars. What doesn’t kill ya, right? Man over machine 🫶🏻
Doesn't sound that bad 😂
Too kind
Building new synthetic bridges where music failed. #synthesism 🎚️
A certain libertarian from the musical world, filthier than the porn industry I tell ya. At least with the porn industry, the fucking is transparent, but the music industry, you don’t know who’s fucking ya. 🤓
Betty Ford offers binary detoxing Mainvolume offers binary detoxing to rid of those hallucinations. 🤭