So I don’t know about which choices that you would have done differently.
In my path of life i have the opportunity to work and live in the tropics. For what i know now, took the easy path. Right now, looking at nowerdays world, i should have do it differently. That was a choice what i made..
You weep over imperfections of your incompetence. 🤦
Crushing was it. 🤭
Overcoming crushing defeats quantum. 🤦 Sometimes heroin is not that bad of beat to bear when failure jars. What doesn’t kill ya, right? Man over machine 🫶🏻
Doesn't sound that bad 😂
Too kind
Building new synthetic bridges where music failed. #synthesism 🎚️
A certain libertarian from the musical world, filthier than the porn industry I tell ya. At least with the porn industry, the fucking is transparent, but the music industry, you don’t know who’s fucking ya. 🤓
Betty Ford offers binary detoxing Mainvolume offers binary detoxing to rid of those hallucinations. 🤭