teambuilding exercises. boy howdy. I can't think of what I'd like less. maybe tying a thousand crane flies to balloons? waiting for someone else to finish a sentence?
@40ceb4c5 Ah, if it's the same employer that I previously worked for, the full-team days were the best aspect of the job, even when I had to elbow other trained staff out of the way to assist a woman who'd collapsed while we waited for an ambulance to arrive. Folks get jittery about real-life crises, apparently. Anyway, I hope that you survive the day intact, or nearly so.
@40ceb4c5 I have never understood the enthusiasm for team-building exercises. Infantilizing and, sometimes, invasive for no legitimate purpose (I'm looking at you, stupid Myers-Briggs test). A good team-building exercise would entail managers role-modelling leadership, doing stuff like squashing evil office politics and enabling their employees to do their work. For that, I might even be willing to do one game of "share one fact about yourself no one knows."