what's the best way to launch a personal blog in 2023 with the lowest odds that anyone who isn't me will ever have the power to take it down? (i.e. not on substack or some similar platform controlled by others)
@ca5977db gotta think it's WordPress.com
@ca5977db the best way: id say wordpress or ghost the way with the lowest odds: a solar powered raspberry pi with a small web server, sending static files through Tor
@ca5977db GitHub hosting, Jekyll blog site static page generator, own domain (you don’t need GitHub, any host for a static site will do). Mine is here: https://kentindell.github.io
@ca5977db Basically anybody offering WordPress hosting - I used to use Dreamhost but haven’t checked on them in years - as long as you control your domain name (preferably register it at a totally different place) and they haven’t somehow blocked you from exporting your WordPress data. As long as you control the domain name and the data, it should never be a problem to bring it to another host, or even to your own EC2/Azure/whatever instance.
@ca5977db Micro.blog is a great choice because it’s $5/month, it’s all yours, you can use your own domain, and Manton (its creator) believes in openness. Your posts are easy to link to from other platforms and all of your data is yours. Oh, and it publishes everything statically.
@ca5977db Wordpress 100 year plan $38k. https://wordpress.com/blog/2023/08/25/introducing-the-100-year-plan/
@ca5977db strikingly.com