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 Price should act as a good signalling mechanism in the long run for these decisions. The reality is that we just aren't at that point right now. Bitcoin and Nostr are bootstrapping a new system, but in a free and open way. 

Governance of the grant process for the existing recipients seems to take your issue into account. But if you still disagree with their decisions, you are free to develop your own system. You are free to advocate for your own methods that would be superior. 

We are free, we don't need permission.  
 hahahah. see. here is the issue we were discussing. I dont know this fella but wow.

"You are free to advocate for your own methods that would be superior. " . . . ?? 
not a productive and if anything an ascerbic statement. I dont know you chum why the attitude? are you offended about something? Or are you part of this grant writing subculture? Your reaction seems odd if there is not part of the grant subculture that we are discussing here.

Governance has the problem in the name chum. I think you are missing the point of a free society which is in part free discourse in order to move the whole forward.

Retreating to "if you dont like it do it yourself" is how people lose the good will of their community. 
So be nice and dont try to shut down conversations, so that way we can all move forward without detours for temperment based skirmishes. . . or continue to be mildly dickins and authoritative and I will just take my help elswhere.

Your projects are in need . Be nice 
 Just fork the protocol, girl. 🙄 
 hahahaha. I have no patience for those wanna be sneaky conversation tactics. Clout chasin on the sneak tip with no manners and a desire to "steer" conversations or "frame" things or "give context" or see the integrated phenomena" or any of the other b.s. PMC nonsense phrases. 

Sorry for the rant but that attitude is an instant red flag. Those people ruin communities with their sneak words and self insinuation. 
 I feel as though our understanding of governance, and politics is too far apart to have any constructive conversation around this topic. 

Like, if you want to engage with my points and try to make your own points about why they're flawed - do it. But don't stand there and cast aspertions at my motives when you started off your response with "I don't know this fella"  
 Again. You don't know me or where I have been. stop the weasel words. I dont know your motivations i know your words. Let me explain to you in case you really dont understand.

 "our understanding of governance, and politics is too far apart" are an example of PMC double speak. 

It is what is called a grouping statement. It creates adhoc us them groupings in conversations based on the desireability of being seen well by whatever class of person you feel yourself to be. 

We used to call them "low power techniques". Used when one wants people to assume that they have a level of clout. 

Bro I have fired people because I detected the attitude you had on them. You are not unique and you are more arrogant than you should be.

You should probably stop this now. No one will see this interaction and we can move along. 
 You are a conversation bully who acts like he is smarter than people. You are not. Your desire to be seen as such is the counter indicator. and yes that is the appropriate response to someone talking mess who i dont know.

 ffs i read your response again and you actually did what you were accusing me of. You ignored the point of statement. Bro, wth? who taught you how to do this? Did you grow up needy or ugly or outcast or ??? who hurt you. why are you so cloying and insinuatey? If you need frens I can be an internet homie but ... why the attitude? do other people find it cool or acceptable?

truly bro. no one ever told you that this way of communicating does not represent your character well?

Be direct. Don't sneak. Don't guide. Don't frame. Just be a freaking human.