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 Most posts I make on Nostr feel to some extent like a challenge. And I post them anyway. I enjoy that challenge. I write them in part *because* they are challenging.

I'm putting uncomfortable thoughts into the decentralized Nostr void to anyone who wants to host what I say on their relay.

That's why I'm here. I'm adding my thoughts to this medium to help advance it. I write here the things I wouldn't post to the normies on Twitter/X. Only on Nostr do I embrace my weirdness and inappropriateness. I analyzed this ecosystem, and decided that you, and only you, yes you reading this who took the time to be here, deserved to see my real or "based" thoughts to the extent that you care about them. And that includes my weaknesses. I've shown those in some of my recent posts, and I'll continue to show you my weaknesses here. I wrote about the times I got rekt in a fight and cried. I'll type that kind of thing out here, and only here, on Nostr, again and again.

If I post something intellectually polarizing I start to think, "what would my followers think?" But then I'm immediately like, "I don't know. Who cares. If they hate my truths here then were they even real my followers to begin with? Maybe they need to be challenged."

Meanwhile, I *do* care what you all think in aggregate, am willing to disagree with you individually on certain topics, but want to hear your thoughts. And I'm willing to change my views based on you. In fact, many of my Twitter/X posts are there over the past years because I want to see what people comment with before I write my full-on reports. The same is likely true for Nostr. This is raw ground. I want your thoughts. I won't bend my truths toward you, and I'll challenge you, as I expect you to challenge me.

So, if someone takes the effort to be on Nostr and some how reads this, I want them in my ecosystem. I want their criticisms as much as their praise. Criticize me here. I'll enjoy it. Let's go. You're awesome.

And then I'm like "What about my business contacts?"  I have like these various billionaire institutional close contacts that are richer than me but have to wear ties to work. But I mean, if they are reading this right now, they are fucking awesome. I think, any of my serious existing business contacts who are cool enough to be here, are likely people I want to continue to work with. If they don't like what I say, they can bring it up with me. Otherwise they can appreciate my rawness here, and recognize that Nostr is where I post my random thoughts or my deep thoughts, and either of which are my raw thoughts.

My goal is to be real, and to advanced this protocol.

The day that far more people are on Nostr, is the day I will practice more public moderation. Until then, and that's probably far away, it's the medium where I will drop f-bombs and describe weird situations and thoughts. Let's go.


 Be you, with the good and the bad.
We don’t get to chose and that’s awesome !
Embrace it all…
Keep #nostr weird !
 Ty for your rawness 😉 
 While on a different scale, I post on nostr first, and often only there thoughts that could be censored or I don’t want my government knowing (also don’t have a blue check so get no engagement, cheers for the free speak Elon)…… wish I could have stayed up late and joined the Swan event last night, looked like there was a good attendance. Chose sleep due to the time different. 🙌, you’re a legend. 
 Full respect, this type of content from someone with such a big reach is unmatched. Ty Lyn 
 You are one of the most important people in the world right now Lyn, most people just haven’t realized it yet. 
 this is an amazing post! 🔥

#Authenticity becomes a precious rarity in a world where illusions often overshadow the genuine. 

The future is here, not enough decentralised yet. 
 Stay close to your heart and the universe will guide you 🙏💫 The power the right frequency 🤙 
 I enjoy reading both “business Lyn” and “raw Lyn”, and I think your nostr profile pic should reflect that raw side too, IMHO. 
Or at least be something different than the business one. 
 You add a lot being here unfiltered. Love to see it.  
 I used to be very shy as a kid, and even as an adult for a very long time I was afraid to be wrong, so I said very little.

Once I realized that talking is how humans think in groups, I opened up. Being wrong is just part of the process. I'm far less careful now, and I love being corrected.

I appreciate you Lyn, you say the greatest things. 
 either one believes in free speech or one does not.  if one does not then they should be happy with the tyranny.  if one does then they must accept that they will read some things that make them mad.  if one tries to somehow have free speech but with limitations they're just deluding themselves.  free speech with limitations isn't free speech. 
 Thank you being here and using this fantastic medium 😊 
 In the end
our vulnerability 
is our greatest gift

It is the place
where we meet
at the heart

And the only place
we can truly meet
in peace 
 Lyn you’re one of us 😁 your raw Nostr plan is the same as ours 💜 
 Thanks @LynAlden for your openness and insight into your raw thoughts. I like the idea of challenging each other in a respectful way in order to gain more understanding of a topic. Keep up posting. I am reading. 👍
 Preach on, we here 
 Appreciate this so much! I've also felt freer to express myself here.

 Thanks for speaking freely Lyn - I think you could easily "afford" to add another 1-2 levels of rawness without shocking any nostriches 
 HELL YES !!! 
 I came to Nostr for the technology but am staying for @LynAlden's takes and mind openingly sincere posts. Thank you Lyn.

Have a good day everyone!

 @jb55 @miljan I need notifications for when Lyn has posted. 
 🔥no more pretence, no more imagined hierarchies. I value you because you see this too. Thank you! More and more of us will get it… in an age where access to information is democratised, there are no more “experts”… there are only awesome people, like you. 
 Your post is creating a lot of discussion.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 Raw, weird, challenging, innappropiate? Yes definetly sounds like Nostr 
 💯 based 
 I appreciate you Lyn 
 Your work on here is amazing. Thank you! 
 You should be true and honest on any occasion, anywhere.
Calculating when and how you will behave and represent yourself in not very honest. 
 gg, I enjoyed reading this. I just ask myself how you can be willing to go "back there" and wear a mask, when you yourself admit and seem to be expressing, that on here you feel more real. I admit that reading your openness about it made me see some sort of strength in it. But at the same time it feels like you fear to, so to say, jump ...

well ... I just hope you feel good with yourself, and you seem to be pretty confident, so, yes what the heck ... do the fuck you want lolol

I appreciate reading you! 
 Love you being here. LFG! 
 At this point wearing a suit and tie for work feels like a public confession that you hope to only add value at the margin. 
 So glad to be pioneering part of an eco system where you are an important part of! 
 That was a lovely read Lyn. I’m a premium subscriber of yours, work in TradFi and as a white straight male with a family, I feel like part of the world wants me to self sensor. But posts like this (as well as Saifedean’s fantastic rants) really inspire me, at least, to stick to my beliefs, however many faults I may have. Keep it coming. Thank you. 
 “I'm putting uncomfortable thoughts into the decentralized Nostr void to anyone who wants to host what I say on their relay.”

Simple honesty is appreciated. 
 You are certainly making Nostr grow and in the right direction! Great to read your notes! #grownostr 
 Thanks for what you post Lyn.   You are correct there are a lot more insightful posts here.  Also a bit of civil respect.

 Have been following (subscriber) you on the normie side for 2 years.  Appreciate this “window into your soul” on the Nostr side.  Broken Money is great so far.  Blessings 
 It takes courage to expose our weaknesses, even in a place like Nostr that seems to be all echoes. But maybe showing our weaknesses builds strength. Who knows. Anyway I like reading what you write. 
 This ^ 👌💯 

 Good to hear the real you Lyn.  I have been a long time fan of your economic insight, but I am really happy you are here to help move the Nostr platform by being a real live person.  Talking about your favorite rap groups - so cool.  My favorite rap group is/was Nelly, but I also really like Emenem to.  Looking forward to reading your new book :-) 
 Follow Lyn for the solid macro takes, stay because she's an awesome person with cool stories and a great writer. 🤙 
 “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
― Carl Jung 
 I was just reading some of Jungs work today. Excellent 
 Man…. Say that again’ 
 “I think I’m quite ready for another adventure.” 
 Great solo. A bit Brian May-ish.

‚The day that far more people are on Nostr, is the day I will practice more public moderation.‘ —>> not sure anymore if I want Nostr to grow ;) 
 I don't know what to say, I just found NOSTR from Edward Snowden. I commented because the comment is empty. 
 i’m not reading all that 
 I loved reading your post about being a fighter. Keeping it real 🫂 
 Love this. 💜🙏🏽 
 I appreciate, and I read, this entire note. LFG 🤙 
 Let it run Lyn! You are appreciated! 
 Here we truly face ourselves like in the free streaking, because can not be deleted, every post is a real expression of self-emotion. 
 The NOSTR Lyn is The Best Lyn! 
 Glad you are here on #Nostr love reading 'based' @Lyn Alden 
 LFG! I appreciate and respect your work and notes, glad this alternative outlet exists without censorship 
 Thanks. Keep writing 
 Interesting that @jack reposted this, when he was the driving force behind the censorship on Twitter. 
 Thanks for being you Lyn 
 Lyn on Noster is the best Lyn. 🔥 
 This is a very sweet time in the life of Nostr. Quite precious really. I’m happy and proud to get to share it with great people like Lyn Alden !! 
 Rawness on Nostr, I like that thought! 
 It’s posts like these that keep bringing me back to Nostr.  Appreciate you Lyn. 🤙 
 I see you sister. Keep getting out of your comfort zone and keep waking 💃🏾 
 That’s the thing that stuck out about you and certain others in the Bitcoin and finance space, you, Jeff Booth, Lawrence Lepard, and the list goes on, take the time to explain things in a way that us plebs can understand. You’re all genuine and there’s passion in what you do. It show’s, and thanks for all you do 
 Incredible to think how many people like you were limited to not being yourself or to say crudely what you think so as not to “hurt” the followers.

I appreciate that more people like you can find in #nostr that way of relief from traditional rrss like X.

Keep publishing crudely everything you need to release, I am one more follower who likes to read your publications.

 It is a privallage to hear your raw thoughts Lyn.  
 Love this, Lyn! I'll be dropping in here more frequently thanks to this post. 

Here's a raw, controversial train of thought:

Zionists and other extreme factions of the Israeli state (not all Jews) are doing to Palestinians what the Nazis (not all Germans) did to the Jews, only in a more deliberate, controlled, strategic, long-term manner.

I'm sure some German Jews took sometimes violent countermeasures when being expropriated, and I'm sure Nazi propagandists took the opportunity to say something like "See? These Jews are violent on top of being in control of the banking systems and businesses. This is proof that they want to control us, make us their slaves and kill us all, so we have to do it to them first!"

Then the Ben Shapiro's of the world gleefully and uber-ironically cheered on the Nazis as they rounded the Jews up into the trains.

It's deeply sad and disturbing to see this happening in real time as if no one has learned anything, ever, except technologically.

Now I'm gonna go drop a singular tear, wipe it up and carry on supporting my family without telling them a single word about this.  
 One and only, Lyn!
Keep on being raw, honest and authentic! ❤️ 
 We like authentic Lyn even more, thanks for being there it is an even greater pleasure to read you on Nostr 
 hey @jack <bats eyelashes>, what's "aggregate feedback view!" 
 I love that you it.

Your words have power & you're impeccable with them.

I'm positively swooning 😆

