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 I grew up Muslim, lost my faith in my teenage years (I never really had it, never studied it, was only culturally religious due to the house I was raised in) and lived a nihilistic atheistic life until I hit the rock bottom of my self-destructive era.

Had dropped out of uni, worked hard labor, partied too hard, terrible shape, single, got in debt, lost friends, lost myself… etc

Found God again in my mid 20’s and my life has been turbocharged ever since. I took one step towards Him and felt Him come running towards me.

The first thing I decided was that I would never tell a lie again, no matter the personal cost. That fixed a lot of my bad behavior and self-inflicted pain. I began to feel courageous, gained respect for myself, and developed a strong belief in a brighter future.

Doors opened up for me — got a great job, fixed up my relationship with my family, got in great shape, got married, had a child, found Bitcoin.

It’s still a long way to go and we are forever Sisyphus on the hill. 

But I fully believe that taking a leap of faith by putting all your trust in God can make a world of a difference.