this is why a secular society that has no sacred value on the creation of life decays stupid people breed too much smart people don't breed overall this results in use of abortions and contraceptives that disrupt women's fertility and then you get a baby bust and then the migrants invade and then the crime rate goes through the roof and everything gets burned down and the survivers start again it's literaly happened hundreds of times in history... the symbol of the heart ❤️ is actually based on the shape of a leaf of a plant that causes abortions in the first week, and was very popular in the late days of rome, they had it also russia, in between the tsars falling down and communists rising, you can read it in Dostoevsky's masterpiece Crime and Punishment that there was "free love" cults running rampant in St Petersberg in the late 19th century, and very likely plenty of abortions going on as well really it's all symptoms of a society that has lost a sense of the value of life