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 RIP Alexei Navalny.

The US/UK should free Assange, free Ulbricht, pardon Snowden, and double-down on freedom as a contrast. They won't, but they should.

Russia is way more politically controlled and censored than their western counterparts, but if the western counterparts were smart they would emphasize this fact rather than lean more into being even half-like Russia.

Kudos to builders of various freedom tech. 
 I agree with exception of Ulbricht 
 I mean, he got multiple times longer prison sentence than Maxine Ghislaine. That's just? 
 Surely the Fed is to blame for this one and Bitcoin will fix this. What happened in 1971? 
 I agree the sentence is exaggerated, but he should be accountable for attempting murder 
 “Attempting murder”?

Hey Brunswick, maybe you should familiarize yourself with the Ulbricht case before spouting off demonstrably false nonsense like that.  It is public information, after all. 

For “attempted murder,” a court would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he attempted to kill someone.  However, in the Ulbricht case, the judge determined that *did not* happen.

You are confusing that with the allegations that Ross agreed to pay a contract to kill someone. 

And yet, Ross was never charged at trial with “murder for hire” and thus this charge was never ruled on by a jury. In fact, these unproven and unprosecuted allegations were dismissed *with prejudice* in 2018. 

What did happen?  During the trial, prosecutors alleged that he discussed and paid a contract, but this was only presented as evidence by the prosecutors and was weak. Why weak?  Because “the accusations relied on anonymous chats and text files never proven to have been authored by Ross.  Hard evidence and testimony, including from the lead Silk Road investigator, showed that, over time, multiple people were behind the site admin’s DPR handle.  Most significantly, two corrupt investigators (who later sent to prison) also had unfettered access to Silk Road and were admittedly involved in numerous plots.”

Ross has always denied being involved with these allegations, and even Curtis Green, the only alleged victim ever identified, is a longtime, fervent supporter of Ross’s release. 
 Am I the only one that has this question? No 
 I'll accept your explanation and look further into it 
 He created a website ? 
 Of course I don't think he should be incriminated for running a website. The problem is with him personally putting out a contract for murder. 
 #gangsterment #brainwash  is an amazing tool!

Politicians as well as a myriad of their servants routinely put out extrajudicial contracts for murder, as well as commit ALL the largest mass murders , usually with complete impunity , for any tosh reason they dream up.

All who remember #Ulbricht’s trial, saw that it was a rigged  show trial, which had nothing to do with #justice, including the #murder #contract charge.

All who orchestrated it, got away with crimes, even under their own #laws, much less #morality.

This #ClownWorld #PrisonPlanet would be far more peaceful, if murder contracts on #politicians were common.

 Sure, but UK/US are more controling politicaly and military. So they do harm to others.  
 they’re one in the same 
 Раша в этих вопросах учится у лучших, там ещё догонять и догонять. Ту же Францию, например

 I bet Edward Joseph Snowden won’t say a single word about it. 
 this says a lot:

 Rishak doesn't give a flying fuck 
 so true 
 Free Chico Forti 
 Hear Hear‼️ 
 We’ve fallen so far. Contrast this case with Gonzalo Lira’s treatment by Ukraine (green lit by US). These cases are eerily similar. It’s shameful and I wish more people spoke out about it. 
 I could even imagine Navalny dying was revenge for Lira. We all know with modern life support you could keep people alive for years, even with brain damage. 
 I doubt it but the point is the US cedes all its moral superiority on a regular basis 
 Why would Putin kill Navalny? Why wouldn't the CIA kill Navalny? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 
 Gonzalo Lira was part of the propaganda: „see, Ukraine bad, don’t provide help for bad country”. 
 So that means he should be imprisoned without trial and killed? Fuckin lol get a grip bro this isn’t commie Twitter. 
 the western counterparts ARE smart.  

nobody knows who Ulbricht is or have long enough memory to remember Assange or Snowden.

actually makes me wonder why Putin didn't bring up those points during interview though - my guess is he was going for a more conciliatory tone because he recognizes Russia can't fight the war in Ukraine forever ... or as Sun Tzu said in Art of War "no nation has ever benefitted from prolonged warfare" ... 
 If the public don't have the memory to remember Assange or Snowden then maybe it's on ALL of us to remind people? 
 For us (in Poland)he was just another Russian imperialist.  Not opposition but competition for Putin.  He clearly stated that Poland should be part of Russian empire.  Also he officially said that Crimea is Russia. Americans still don't understand Russia.  
 It’s far worse than that, and also applies to #Poland, regarding socialism, as one of my associates wrote:

Difficult to feel sorry for anyone who was trying to become the next government and still live by forcing 100% of their funding from the productive captives.

From following him and his supporters many years, clear that he would have at most tried to build a socialist, bureaucratic tyranny that exists in Europe, US, Canada, Australia, practically everywhere, except monarchies.

That's straight from his collaborators among Russian economists - Milov, Guriev.

Nothing else - besides that and the dictatorships that have existed in Russia for a thousand years - is possible there.
 What I heard was that Navalny was a fun guy who just wanted freedom and fun for everyone and that he wanted to become supreme leader of Russia for fun, for goodness, and for truth (kinda like Zelensky). I also heard that everyone in Russian politics is pure and wonderful except for Putin and anyone who doesn't condemn him.  
 Everyone in russian politics is controlled by putin/kgb/fsb. The whole political spectrum in russia exists only to make an illusion of democracy and to deliver putin's speech indirectly — just check out transcripts by Julia Davis' Russian Media Monitor https://youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor 
 Yeah, Americans are very naive. Nawalny was a piece of shit and got what he deserved. RuZZia is a mafia state and when someone challenges the capo (Pootin) he gets eliminated. 
 Words are not enough sometimes and they aren’t pardoned so no one else talk or do anything. 
 Don't you guys find it a little strange that Navalny dies right after Putin made a somewhat good impression in the Tucker interview? 
I'm not saying NATO killed Navalny to remind us how evil Putin is... but damn, the timing is great for them. 
 btw I'm not a Putin simp, I just don't trust anybody in this game anymore 
 Sur le plan psychique oui et d'ailleurs fait de ceux qui ont une des problématiques d'ordre psychique des pires..l'armee n'a qu'exacerber sa pathologie, devait normalement être inapte pour intégrer le KGV. Me rappelle d'une de ses phrases à l'époque de la courtisanerie d'avec Berlusconi, Sarkozy etc ces mecs très dangereux qui détestaient au plus haut point celui qu'ils nommaient le trop bronzé qu'étaient Obama pour eux, Putin lors d'une conférence de presse, avait bien dit qu'on n'était jamais un ex du KGB, détestait Elsine l'ivrogne tel qu'il le nomme, quant à Gorbatchev il lui en voulait de la perostroskia, suivie de l'éclatement de l'URSS, ne rêve  depuis reconstituer l'URSS voire plus l'empire Russie. En veut depuis son enfance selon sa grille de lecture à les leaders russes qui se sont faits avoir durant durant la WW2, sans oublier toute la force armée russe très addicte à l'alcool, les viols au passage de coins libérés ... qui de plus  été la première sur Berlin puis s'est retrouvée dupée par les alliés, pour la répartition, sans oublier la première bombe atomique que l'Allemagne avait de prête, infine les soldats Us l'ont eue tout en prenant au passage tant de grands ingénieurs nazis spécialisés de la bombe qui furent  prisonniers en UK et USA...in fine elle fut dans dans des zones aux USA et en Corée du Sud etc.. Cette ère de notre sale histoire est declassifiée et d'ailleurs toutes les guerres suivantes Vietnam, Afghanistan sous les russes, reste une partie pas totalement declassifiee Koweït Irak celles d'après 2003, tempête du désert, l'Irak, Afghanistan post 11 sept très médiatisée puis géopolitiquement machiavélique pour l'homme désastreuse pour  les Terres  
 How would nato even get into the prison?

After he was moved and "lost"? 
 I have no idea how well he was protected against attacks from a state actor. But the incentives are real. Everywhere on social media people are hating against Tucker now. Putins propaganda win was neutralized.
 It makes no sense from Putins standpoint. Why make an interview and then upset the western public like that. 
 Il ne fait qu'humilier une fois de plus ceux avec lesquels ils jouaient depuis stratégiquement depuis la perostroskia..  
 There's going to be no proof

But people know

He's keeping his citizens in line

Or making a big mistake  
 Perfect reason for CIA supported "opposition" to assassinate Navalny. 
 Moved and lost by whom? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 
 Putin killed Navalny doesn't necessarily means that he gave order. It is just can be like he was tortured and some jailer overdid it. Often we are trying to find big reasons were its just a mess.

> Putin made a somewhat good impression

This impression can only arise if you are not familiar with the situation or if you were already a supporter of putin beforehand. putin said so many stupid things in this interview that it is hard for me to understand how it could have been overlooked. 
 No, you're not saying NATO killed Nawalny... BUT you're implying it. That's after the playbook of any true conspiracist.
Fuck Nawalny, he challenged Pootin with the exact same mindset, nationalistic, imperialistic and right-wing. There can only be one original and that's Pootin and so he eliminated him. 
 Ils rêvent tous de reconstruire l'empire des Tsars idem que le Sultan Erdoğan qui ne rêve de reconstituer le Sultanat  de Constantinople, ainsi effacer toute d'Ataturk 
 #Useful reading, even in translation, #Navalny’s final words in a #trial in 2014:


Noteworthy how just by changing the names, dates and idiosyncratic details, this final word could be said by a local Navalny/#Assange/#Snowden/#Ulbricht worldwide, including of course #US, #UK, #EU, et al!

(That’s because he failed to mention, as a #politician, that continuous #lying is the vital foundation of any coercively funded, armed gang calling itself “#government”, including the one he wanted to lead.)

#рустр #Russia 
 Ne les comparons pas s'il vous plaît !?  
 can you imagine?! that's the sad part. life could literally be orders of mutitude better with some simple , easy to implement solutions. 
 When it comes to Russia most brains stop working properly and fall back in bias modus. 
 Hi, I am among the unfortunate victims of the FTX scam, a situation that has resulted in the loss of my entire savings, totaling around $20,000.
The distressing aspect of this ordeal is not just the financial loss but the subsequent actions taken by SBF and Sullivan & Cromwell, the involved debtors. Following the success of their global heist, it appears that, rather than working towards justice for the affected customers, they are prioritizing their own interests, demonstrating a complete disregard for the well-being of those who have suffered.
To witness such blatant exploitation of innocent people for personal gain is not only disheartening but also raises concerns about the moral and ethical compass of those involved. Their actions can only be described as mentally and spiritually sick, going beyond mere financial misconduct.
The significance of this situation cannot be overstated for me, as the funds lost were an integral part of my financial stability. I am reaching out to you with the hope that you might consider extending a helping hand during this challenging time. Any assistance however small that you could provide to navigate through the complexities of this situation would be immensely appreciated.
I believe in the power of collective compassion and the willingness of individuals to make a difference in the lives of those facing adversity. I understand that you may have your own commitments and limitations, but even the smallest gesture can have a meaningful impact.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea, and I sincerely hope that you may find it in your heart to offer assistance during this trying period. Your kindness will not be forgotten, and I am immensely grateful for any support you can provide.
Please save me.
Lightning Address : appealforassistanceftxscamvictim@geyser.fund
BTC : bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw2
XMR: 44QNNugXXCWUcUGi7UGsRM4pqnKKmn4zYjcZT3BnNHWBWyXRoe4mfLwT5L67kGyTLu76c1hmPV7QKZESP9w7bQ7m8Y1VUgx 
 With all due respect - you're fast asleep at the wheel with regards to what you think Navalny is. 

 Is this guy? Doesn't look like a hero depicted by the west.
There is a lot if stuff out there which realy looks weird and fascist out there.
Was it just an episode or you like this about him? Serious question since I was looking to go and buy and read your bitcoin book. Thx

 This reminds me of that old saying, "When the cookies are done, you gotta take 'em out of the oven.  Otherwise, they'll taste like shit." 
 -1 кацап 
 Well said Lyn 
 Nah Ulbricht got what he deserved. He didn't enforce proper OPSEC rules, and got caught because of his own mistakes.

Boontje komt om z'n loontje, as we say in holland. 
 So You’re shure that Navalny was a good guy? And what do you have to say about the american citizen and journalist Gonzalo Lira who was killed in a Ukranian prison a month ago? 
 He was a right-wing nationalist and basically on the same side as Pootin. He challenged the emperor and got what he deserved. 
I really respect and admire you Lyn but you only seem to know what the media were feeding you about him being a "democratic" contender.  
 He was a tax evader and woke liberal CIA asset looking to destroy the country.

Good riddance!

I can't believe there are  so many neo-liberal simps here on nostr who want to promote heroes of degenerate lifestyles and world order lol.

 Alexei was a Nazi sympathizer, if not one himself. 
 Vrai mais la plupart des gens ne semblent pas s'inquiéter du nombre exponentiel de plus en plus de nazis en Europe et dans d'autres pays à travers le Monde où leurs aeuils ont dû trouver refuges durant la WW2.. Aujourd'hui ce sont leurs descendants qui  reprennent le même chemin un peu partout et ça craint qu'au sein de l'Europe qu'il ait de plus en plus la montée des extrémistes de droite qui n'hésitent plus à se rassembler dans de grandes européennes en faisant allégeance à Hitler. Certains ont d'ailleurs commencer à prendre  le pouvoir politique de plus en plus  dans certains pays de l'EU  
 Nothing to see here. Just a foreign agent died.

In this video made in 2010 and leaked in 2012, Navalny's man, Vladimir Ashurkov, asks the British Mi-6 officer, James William Thomas Ford, to pay $10 million a year provide him with the ability to start a colorful revolution in #Russia.

 we have to do it
we cannot wait for US/UK (deep state sucks)
we need to act NOW

decisions can and should be made quickly by high-judgment individuals or small groups. JB
we can do it / I believe in Us

a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.

we don’t have time
Our friends need Us.

how about a call tomorrow around noon Eastern?

cc: @jack 
cc: to all 
 Finally some sanity here on nostr.
Russia is more totalitarian and controlling than any western state and support for Ukraine is fighting against oppressive government.
Just see what happened to the Navalny supporters the moment they took to the streets. 
 I would think the overthrow of a duly elected gov't in Ukraine in 2014 and the 2014 coup by Obama and his CIA henchmen should be factored in to these discussions.. Has the installed (Nazi?) gov't attacking Ukrainians in the ensuing years? Were/are there biolabs being dismantled? Is Russian spoken in these areas? Zelensky closed down the Orthodox Church. He outlawed news groups & t.v. stations.. Are these free market moves??  Why isn't this kind of stuff factored into discussions??   
 It's a russian bs — nobody overthrown govt. Moreover, Ukraine is parliament-presidential republic, and the whole parliament continued to work till the next elections. Both parliament and president were elected during democratic elections according to Constitution, with international observers, and were internationally recognized, even by russia.  
 Once the global #Agenda2030 finished, life in western world will be by far more restricted, than it is in China right now. 
 Yes.. thank you 😊 💕 
 Navalny aligned himself with Nazis & had a wild look in his eye.  Clearly an egoist.  Useful for Western propaganda, though. 
 Way more censored in Russia?

IDK Lyn, I'm not in Russia

I doubt Russia has the Fiat printing press power to support all the various spook agencies, think tanks and toys that the west does 

Everyday in my western sphere the narratives are all maximal BS. Spewing propaganda non-stop

But yes, betting on freedom to create a better world for everyone is the way to go

 The West is kiddos comparing to them — they have media outlets, politicians and the whole political parties all over the world etc. The amount of anti-western (esp. anti-US), anti-Ukrainian propaganda skyrocketed in recent years (blueticks on Twitter spreading it non-stop)  
 hmmm. Maybe.

If so, it's like which poisen do you prefer to kill yourself with

Naomi's Kliens "The shock doctrine" details source material of the western psy-op complex development

they literally worked with  bonsai tree sculpture focus on how to kill a mind

we saw that rolled out on us in C19

western propaganda is no playful puppy and it has world destroying consequences 
 How many doses of the covid vaccine did he take? 
 dumb take, omg, get a brain 
 Just asked a question. What's wrong with asking questions to investigate? 
 thank you! 
 Trump had his chance to do this while poking his finger in the eye of the deep state, instead the midwit pardoned a bunch of rappers.

I guess now HE knows what it's like to be hunted by the deep state. 
 thank you for speaking up! 
 Russia is not only way more controlled, it is a total dictatorship! While i agree with you Snowden and Assange need to be released, they leaked secret documents, which was considered a crime.

In contrast Nawalny did not commit any crime whatsoever and was killed just for speaking up.

So there is a huge difference. 
 good morning 🌞 
 Should is often the enemy of wood 🪵 
 What if I told you modern western leaders derive their power from the same tribe that formed the Bolsheviks in Russia and murdered tens of millions of white Christians there. 
 Navalny was a CIA asset, very naive take.