@43d7c4ea I can't help but view recent inflation as a mix of large companies using it as cover for #PriceGouging and small companies trying to survive. But *everyone* must play this game because one of the absolute essentials in every business (eg power) is *still* double the prior cost. I don't buy "supply chain disruption" as a cause since that was with us since 2020 (even worse). IMO the #FossilFuel companies are extorting the world economy ...again #EnergyIndependenceIsGreen
@419623b4 @43d7c4ea 40% is domestic profits. 46% is import (energy) price hikes. Small companies aren't surviving. https://www.imf.org/en/Blogs/Articles/2023/06/26/europes-inflation-outlook-depends-on-how-corporate-profits-absorb-wage-gains