I have begun to reach that point, I remember the froyo days, I'd over clock my middling button riddled low resolution android until I could cook an egg on it. I'd be surprised if the battery lasted 3 hours. I remember when xposed came out, I remember being excited for a new android version (KitKat was the last version of Android that improved things for the user), custom kernels, it used to be fun.
Now, I don't upgrade every year, never have, so I set it and forget it. I do the custom ROM patching the default DNS server microg all of it, once, and then I just use the thing. No more tinkering. Every time I do, something has changed, because I get a phone every 3-5 years. Last time I soft bricked my device because something something can't write to the system partition and if you delete something it shrinks and you can't put it back. These things have gotten so user hostile.
But yeah, even though I'm sick of it, spending an afternoon doing the work to set my device up my way once every few years isn't really a huge pain in the ass. The constant tinkering I'm over.