Oddbean new post about | logout
 I wonder why there is no effort to build a public discourse around bitcoin's lack of privacy. only snowden talks about it. public adoption of bitcoin as what it is today would mean global financial surveillance. mixers do not provide meaningful privacy, and average person would not use coinjoin anyway. 
 I have been publicly talking about bitcoin privacy tradeoffs for years... 
 yeah man sorry I was not being fair, there are people like you who talk about the importance of privacy aspect. I just meant that very few people have been as straightforward about how layer two privacy solutions are meaningless as long as there is no privacy on the main chain. it just feels like privacy IN bitcoin and not on it as an idea is frozen in time. every passing day chainalysis and spying tools like that are getting better but bitcoin is not in terms of privacy. 
 Still an improvement of what many live with today. BTC can’t be seized or stopped 
j | 1 years ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 hopefullt we have a zcash drivechain soon 
 You might interested in supporting #BIP300 if you want a end-2-end encrypted privacy bitcoin transactions on a L2. 
