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 Its capitalists that create tyranny.  How many workplaces are democratic?  Capitalism is a religion forced on most of the world. 
. | 1 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Most workers wouldn't have a clue how to operate a business and if voting was the way decisions were made the business would surely fail. 
 OK, thats fine, if you oppose democracy.  Maybe you are right.  BUT its still tyranny. 
 This is about the fattest brushstroke on the internet. 
 Then go build that democratic company from the ground up with your commie scum friends. I'll wait.  
 This one doesn’t know how to. Slaver through to their core. You just mute people who can’t see a path for life without subjugating someone else. They are simply horrible people. 
 I am not the one calling someone commie scum and shouting fuck off, just for challenging the logic of your post, which ironically proves the point.  Capitalists cant engage with anyone who disagrees with them.  They hate democracy and free speech.  Thats why workplaces don't have either.   
 Facebook, Twitter Google - all of them run by greedy capitalists, all of them suppress free speech and democracy.  But sure blame bogey man communists that don't even exist.  And when that fails pretend its corporatism -  as if that is any differnt - capitalists (as marx said) have always used the power of the state to keep their wealth.   And I believe there are no examples of a capitalist that does not, anywhere on  earth, but feel free to give me one. 
 You are rude.  You can't seem engage in civilized discussion.  As I said capitalists are tyrannical. . 
 Communists don't deserve civility. Communism is evil. 

If anyone openly claims they have the right to steal from me and destroy my society then they can go get fucked. Defending what I own will never be tyranny. 

Tyranny is having a mob of lazy retards steal from and murder productive people. But keep crying loser.  
 There will always be power imbalances in a large society. Centralized systems = increasingly imbalance power
Decentralized = individual potential for rebalancing

Workplaces are not democratic (right - they're not designed to be democratic). It doesn't follow that capitalism creates tyranny.

Unfortunately, capitalism often devolves into corporatism (this has happened very clearly in the US), which is highly centralized, whereas socialism in a large society begins with centralization.

 100%, I'll also add that we don't have true capitalism in the US because we have companies that are "too big to fail" and too many heavily subsidized industries.  
 yes, exactly

once the govt starts subsidizing and protecting particular sectors or companies, you've left the free market 
 Capitalism just means you try to build capital. Capital is anything useful. There's a lot of wiggle room to design different systems on top of the idea of capitalism.

Clear definitions are good for clear thinking.  
 Why don’t you try a democratic company with your own funds and resources that you own and just see how it goes? 

Nobody is stopping anyone from doing that. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 Someone tried that around my way. It was run as a 'cooperative'. Everyone made the decisions in a group. Eventually, the business folded. There are other reasons, but in the long run it came down to too few people doing all the work and getting fed up with it as they realised they should be rewarded more than those who did near nothing. 

It was a vegan takeaway, btw. 

 Shocking /s 😆 
 Valve has a democratic horizontal structure, its doing very well.  I'd also argue they produced some of the best games ever made.  However they are run on deeply capitalist principles and that makes them exploit their users (as has been laid out in numerous articles by many people).   The problem isn't democracy (or even the lack of it) so much as capitalism, which encourages tyranny because being tyrannical is profitable - and its the same argument pro capitalists used against so called socialist leaders  - they become corrupted by  money.   But so do capitalists, which is why nobody can name a large high value corporation that does not behave tyrannical. 
 I said capitalism is tyrannical.  Starting my own capitalist company would not disprove this, however democratic it was. 
 I think a good way to think about this is to turn it around. Whatever your job is - operating a machine, handling a certain kind of documents, etc. - do you think it could be done better through democracy within the company than by yourself? You who obviously have the education and/or talent for it, since you were hired, and the first-hand experience of doing it for however long you've been doing it.

Probably not. And just the time it would take to vote on every button to push, every word to write, etc. would slow things down considerably.

The same goes for the people deciding. That's their job, and if they don't do it properly, they, just like you, risk not getting a raise, getting a pay cut, or being fired. Only not by a superior in the company, but by the market.

@TheGuySwann This reply might interest you too, tagged you in case you don't get notified otherwise. 
 I never said democracy was a good idea. I just pointed out that without it you have usually get tyranny.  And that (from a societal point of view) is worse.  But throw in Capitalism and that ususally becomes guaranteed.  Name a large high value corporation that isn't tyrannical. 
 True, there probably are few to none. However the tried alternatives have been worse (see the Soviet union or East Germany). I don't know if there is a solution that's actually good. Some think that in a perfectly free market, corporations wouldn't grow to such sizes, but I doubt that's correct. 
 Did apple force you to buy an iPhone with a gun to your head? 
No? Fuck off. 
 What does that have to do with the price of fish? 
 You either buy google or apple.  Little choice, and nobody (and I mean NOBODY ) agrees with all their terms and conditions ie nobody thinks they are good, fair and reasonable - they have no choice if they want a mobile phone.  And other companies just can't compete with their nefarious monopoly, and where they try most can't afford to buy.