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. | 1 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Most workers wouldn't have a clue how to operate a business and if voting was the way decisions were made the business would surely fail. 
 OK, thats fine, if you oppose democracy.  Maybe you are right.  BUT its still tyranny. 
 This is about the fattest brushstroke on the internet. 
 Then go build that democratic company from the ground up with your commie scum friends. I'll wait.  
 This one doesn’t know how to. Slaver through to their core. You just mute people who can’t see a path for life without subjugating someone else. They are simply horrible people. 
 I am not the one calling someone commie scum and shouting fuck off, just for challenging the logic of your post, which ironically proves the point.  Capitalists cant engage with anyone who disagrees with them.  They hate democracy and free speech.  Thats why workplaces don't have either.   
 Facebook, Twitter Google - all of them run by greedy capitalists, all of them suppress free speech and democracy.  But sure blame bogey man communists that don't even exist.  And when that fails pretend its corporatism -  as if that is any differnt - capitalists (as marx said) have always used the power of the state to keep their wealth.   And I believe there are no examples of a capitalist that does not, anywhere on  earth, but feel free to give me one. 
 You are rude.  You can't seem engage in civilized discussion.  As I said capitalists are tyrannical. . 
 Communists don't deserve civility. Communism is evil. 

If anyone openly claims they have the right to steal from me and destroy my society then they can go get fucked. Defending what I own will never be tyranny. 

Tyranny is having a mob of lazy retards steal from and murder productive people. But keep crying loser.