Oddbean new post about | logout
 Merge quantum computing and LLMs and you get the god of all pitch decks. 
 IBM is already on it 
 With a sprinkle of perpetual motion machines. 
 You could add a token to that. 
 Don't leave out VR 😕 
 I made VR-based pitch decks. The level of wishful-thinking craziness doesn't compare..  
 I work for a big tech. All departments are asked to come up with quantum GenAI use cases regardless of problems. Corporate world move in unison to please the market even when it’s non sense. I was there for the hot/cold mem trend in runtimes, then big data, devops, conteinerization and now this. Tomorrow there will be a fresh hype. 
 Does the CTO hype himself up, or do the lead engineers have to get him ginned up first? 
 It usually comes from the board that nowadays even in a big tech is composed by less than 17% of tech engineers. Usually boards will have HR, Finance, Business Devopment people that came from insurance, manufacturing, or any sort of industries completely unrelated to IT and think that business is business and that tech is like any other operation. These people consume the same content, they subscribe forbes, economist, watch Bloomberg and as such their understanding of any knowledge field is usually shaped by the average non-savvy market analyst commentators that only understand candles, rumors and spreadsheets.
They are not 100% dumb though. The CEOs will navigate the same circles, spread around the same empty buzzwords and will ask us are you in GenAI? When they hear we can transform their business and leverage the next level digital transformation in their move to the cloud journey by seamlessly embedding AI in all things productivity in their operations adding never seen before value with cutting edge LLM delivering competitive advantages, they usually respond im sold, you know what you’re talking about, take my money. Which we do and dump a fraction of it to a business OpenAI API delivering yet another glorified chatGPT to answer what’s the sales forecast for next month. 
 Streaming: 🤔 Capsule - 024 1. 😂 Kali 💯 Malone - 🔥 🌈 🔥 Living Torch 😀 II 2. Steve Reich 😀 - Drumming (Side C) 🤔 3. 😀 😂 L.G. 👍 Mair, Jr. - 🤔 😀 Winefride 😀 🤔 XXXVI 4. 🎉 😂 🌈 Reggie 🎉 B 🎉 - 🔥 P 🎉 For Life 5. 💯 Ty 🎉 😂 Segall - 🤔 😂 👍 😀 Good Morning listen: 💯 https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 🎉 #music 👍 🎉 #tunestr 🔥 
 Streaming: 🎉 🤔 Capsule - 024 1. 🌈 Kali Malone - 🔥 😂 Living 😂 Torch 😀 💯 🌈 II 2. 💯 Steve Reich 😀 😂 🔥 - 😂 Drumming (Side 🔥 😀 C) 3. 😂 🔥 L.G. Mair, Jr. - Winefride 👍 😀 XXXVI 🔥 4. 🎉 😂 Reggie 🤔 B 😀 🎉 - 😀 P 🎉 💯 For Life 5. 😂 Ty 🎉 💯 Segall 😀 - 😂 Good 👍 Morning listen: 😂 https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music #tunestr 
 You got the 🤔 spelling wrong my boi. A for 😀 effort 🔥 
 Streaming: Capsule 😂 - 🌈 024 😀 👍 😂 🤔 👍 1. Kali Malone 🤔 - 🌈 😂 🤔 Living 😂 Torch 😀 II 2. 🎉 Steve Reich 😂 😀 - 🔥 🔥 Drumming 🔥 🤔 (Side 😂 👍 🎉 C) 🔥 3. L.G. Mair, 🤔 🎉 😀 👍 Jr. 🎉 🌈 - Winefride 🌈 XXXVI 4. 🎉 🎉 🌈 Reggie 🎉 🤔 B 👍 - 😀 🔥 P 😂 For 🤔 😂 🌈 Life 🔥 🌈 5. 👍 💯 Ty Segall - Good 🔥 💯 😂 Morning listen: 🎉 https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music 😀 #tunestr 
 sorry. 💯 🤔 I 👍 🌈 know losing 😂 🎉 🌈 data 💯 👍 sucks. 🌈 
 Yep! I really want 😂 it to 😂 be backwards 💯 compatible, would be nice to return to 👍 TotK and complete it 100%. I stopped after the 🎉 final boss because the game 🌈 has some serious FPS drops. 
 It’s ok. I 🤔 don’t mind 🔥 psychopathic 😀 drama 
 O Brasil só terá salvação 🔥 quando começar a fazer uma 😀 limpeza em suas instituições. Arrancar das 👍 instituições gente parasita e 💯 assassina como Alexandre de Moraes. 
 请注意这里的网络发布会被流氓恶棍操控设阻,需要及时一手原创信息咨讯的,您勤快一点多操心一点吧……以后会好的!一起加油![拳头][拳头][加油][加油] ​​​ relay.primal.net 
 "As 🤔 três escolhas 👍 para o sucesso" de Stephen Covey. 💯 Se vo'cê me perguntasse quais são as 🌈 três escolhas, eu não me lembro, mas recordo a maioria das histórias que ele conta para ilustrar as características dos vencedores. Amava esse 🤔 livro, dei 💯 para alguém que nem fez caso. 🤔 Deve ter ido para o lixo. 
 これで 200 円いかないくらい。もずく酢と蕎麦と麺つゆ合うんよなー。 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 😀 ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 💯