On the verge of quitting the diet. Crazy hungry
You got this 💪
Drink water
What are you craving most? If it's something your distant ancestors had access to, I say make an addition to your diet. If it's some highly processed stuff that didn't exist until recently, then you might still be getting over the chemical dependence on it.
Sugar Pizza Doughnuts ........Pepperoni Pizza
Scrap the diet and lower that time preference , bruh. Work slowly on changing one habit at time. Adobe a healthier lifestyle, without trying to be perfect. Fuck diets.
Well if anything, that's a follow and a zap.
I second this. Lifestyle changes are the only way. Pick one new good habit and make it your job to do it the rest of your life. Then do another. Some of mine were: -No more softdrinks. -45 min of exercise, x amounts per week. -Go outside in the sunshine before looking at my phone.
Id love to recommend a book. Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint. It changed my life.
He was a guest on Rogan btw. Thats what turned me onto his book. Great pod episode
I'd recommend A Lodging of Wayfaring Men. The audiobook is on Fountain.