Oddbean new post about | logout
 It's interesting. It's increase in complexity though. "I'm not a technical person, but" introducing complexity into bitcoin's scripting logic should make you think twice.  
 I agree. 
 Anyway, topics like this is why I look forward to the bear market. lol.  
 Do you agree that not scaling self custody tools is a protocol killing flaw? 
 I tend to. It’s not certain but likely as I see it.  
 In that case, what do you think the safest approach to that is? I also agree and it seems to me that we need some form of covenants if we want btc to remain freedom money 
 We have consensus. That's enough. But the details will evolve. I don't think there's a silver bullet. A lot of small steps will make the difference. 

Furthermore, Bitcoin doesn't need to be used by every person on the planet. There is a minimum viable user base for bitcoin to fulfill its function, and currently no one really knows what that size will be. 

Either way, humanity as a whole will benefit, including people who do not have the privilege of interacting with the base.  
 Agreed about the no silver bullet. That’s why I think making a new primitive available sooner is important though. User available taproot tools are just starting to become more widely available. Getting a new building block in place now gives time for actual testing on what scaling solutions it enables. CTV has been around the longest, is the best studied/tested,  and has the lowest chances of unintended side effects 
 Fair point. It’s good to solutions in place. It’s also good to wait a little. Procrastination is a safety measure. Especially when it comes to making changes to bitcoins scripting method