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 We have consensus. That's enough. But the details will evolve. I don't think there's a silver bullet. A lot of small steps will make the difference. 

Furthermore, Bitcoin doesn't need to be used by every person on the planet. There is a minimum viable user base for bitcoin to fulfill its function, and currently no one really knows what that size will be. 

Either way, humanity as a whole will benefit, including people who do not have the privilege of interacting with the base.  
 Agreed about the no silver bullet. That’s why I think making a new primitive available sooner is important though. User available taproot tools are just starting to become more widely available. Getting a new building block in place now gives time for actual testing on what scaling solutions it enables. CTV has been around the longest, is the best studied/tested,  and has the lowest chances of unintended side effects 
 Fair point. It’s good to solutions in place. It’s also good to wait a little. Procrastination is a safety measure. Especially when it comes to making changes to bitcoins scripting method