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 All of you devs that think blocking both ways is bad idea..you have no idea what stalking is like. If you do know what stalking is like and still think one way blocks are a good idea, shame on you.

Blocks should go both ways..I do not care if you think they can just make a new profile.

If I block a person they should not be able to see me anymore..period. If they start a new profile we can block that too. It's like if you block a person here, you are only punishing yourself.

Someone is going to get hurt.

@jb55 @Vitor Pamplona @miljan 
 Interesting thought. I mean, the reality is, let's say you blocked me and I created a new acc in seconds, I could see you from that new acc without ever interacting. 

Previously someone would have had to create a new email address, then register. It's not a major effort but it's more than you need to do on nostr.

That said, I'm also curious, since Roya quit I've seen some of the petulant boy replies to her and other women on here. It surprised me, but then I had to remind myself that, bitcoin world or not, there's a huge number of men in the world who have no clue how to interact with women. 

This leads me to question, would I recommend my daughter joins nostr? 

Sure, I think it's great here, the potential is huge. But I've seen the other side of the coin too.

I think, as things stand, if I was to suggest to my daughter that she create an acc here, I'd suggest that she do it anonymously, perhaps even going so far as to not reveal she's female. 

That's the equivalent of a digital burka. 

Not really a good look. 
 I woman does not have to be modest to garner respect.

I have as much right to show my tits or face as they do to bloviat their bad takes and anachronistic beliefs. We should not have to see each other if we disagree. Curate your own peace is why I came here. 
 The only way I can see that working is by locking yourself away on a private relay that only people you choose to allow access to can see and then not posting to other relays where the person(s) you want blocked post.

I wonder, in fact, if it's feasible to have private members only relays where you post private content...?

But then, anyone interacting can just rebroadcast the note to other relays, if I understand nostr properly. 

Instead of a technical solution, which seems to me unfeasible, perhaps the answer is cultural change?  
 I have a spec for relay specific notes that can’t be rebroadcasted, it’s possible, but you can’t stop screenshots. https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/1146 
 That'd open up sone interesting possibilities for specific communities within the nostr ecosystem   
 Thank you will. I just care about access to me, not screen shots. 
 Also Matt, that is a digital burka.
I should not have to run a relay to be safer. 
 thanks for clarifying what you are not subject to "as a woman"...

but thenx as a woman, may I ask what do you have to do? 
 As a father of a daughter I find this a very compelling topic. I want very badly for her to grow up in a world where everybody respects everybody, and I will fight for her in that regard unceasingly, but I believe that the actual, total, global attainment of this to be a delusion of the modern age, the best we can hope for is to attain this within our local communities, certainly not in the world wide web. So perhaps consider this private node model for a similar effect?

When interacting with the wider world, modesty is a completely reasonable solution if you are apprehensive of the consequences. You cannot lay bait in the wild and subsequently be surprised at the arrival of a predator. Not all people are Human, too many are closer to animals.

Do not go to sea without navigational aids... do not go to the northern forests without protection from bears.
This is Earth, not Heaven. We must temper our expectations and act accordingly.

I do agree with your suggestions around 2-way mutes if it is possible, although a good point is made about silent observers, you might not even know they are there but this relay specific posting developed by @jb55 looks like it will be very helpful to your cause.

I wish you the utmost best in your struggles truely 🙏🏼 
 Human beings are not bait for underdeveloped human beings. 
 They absolutely should not be! I'm 100% with you on that. But try telling that to the idiots and predators of the internet and you might find they don't agree with us, and they are so underdeveloped that I fear some will never learn. Therefore we need to protect ourselves against them.

Know your enemy, that is my point. 
 I hear you, but reality is different. This is the internet, it works just like real life. 

You can’t walk in the street and block people from seeing you, unless you decide to be anonymous.

You can still enjoy nostr exactly the same way with a profile picture of a car and not post personal pictures. 
 Thank you but I'm an adult worker and model. I don't care about opinions about life choices either. This is not real life. Real life is relays can and will be scraped by law enforcement if you really run one as a criminal. Real life is being curbed stomped nearly to death which did happen to me. Real life should include people that care about other's security and not just Nsecs. Real life is being able to shut a person out of your life completely.
You have no idea what it's like being an adult worker. 
 Unfortunately, what you describe is not a technical possibility for Nostr. There is no way to implement this without compromising the censorship resistant properties of the protocol afaik. 

Everything posted is public in a quite literal sense. 
 Make it one then! It was impossible to edit by Vitor did it. I don't want to hear what's impossible. I want to be safe and not being able to be myself and safe is antithetical to what NOSTR is. 
 I can think of two ideas, neither one perfect, but might be of use nevertheless.

Idea 1: a relay can agree never to send content from userA to userB if userA blocks userB. This could perhaps be a paid feature of specialized relays. Things like notes getting leaked to blastr would present challenges but we might be able to address them.

Idea 2, more complicated but more effective: put all content onto a single, specialized personal relay. Your notes only get broadcast to whitelisted accounts. You could even encrypt each note, similar to a DM, to mitigate the occurrence of notes getting leaked to a blastr-like relay. 
 Don’t have a strong opinion on either idea, so I’ll ask questions that hopefully help flesh the ideas out:

Idea 1: How would outbox/inbox model (which most clients seem to intend supporting) affect this? The feature would have to be supported by most relays, no?

Idea 2: How would this work when you don’t want non-followers blocked? Would it be some fancy multi-sig thing where your account would effectively be private to people you approved to see your posts? 
 Idea 1: I’m no expert on the outbox/inbox model (is there a good summary somewhere?); I suppose you’d want to use a client that’s “mute friendly,” meaning that if you mute someone, your client doesn’t post your content to a relay that doesn’t support the muting feature. 

Idea 2: I think the idea would be that it’s basically a private account. All rando accounts are blocked by default. Only whitelisted accounts can see content (whether some or all of it). The question would be whether you want to do all the whitelisting yourself. If not, web of trust could potentially help here, by vetting users according to whatever criteria you deem appropriate and whitelisting them (subject to your override of course). 
 Fascinating concepts. I need to ponder it longer. It would almost be a different use case for the protocol imo, but that doesn’t mean a bad one. It might make an interesting platform for different kinds of content. 
 I just posted a separate note on a related train of thought.

 You touch on a key aspect of the problem: while Vitor was able to make editing possible for Amethyst users, other clients do not see this edit. If Vitor added blocking so that blocked users can’t see your posts, that’s fine, but Vitor can’t control what damus or primal users see. You can’t stop other people from seeing your posts unless you don’t post them publicly. 
 Which is a problem. Some people can't be themselves on NOSTR without endangering themselves.
Maybe devs should get together and consider our safety a little more.

I appreciate you Will. You care. 
 I hear Twitter has great safe spaces. 
 Fuck Twitter, and you . 
 I really seriously can’t think of a way this would even be possible without basically becoming a silo’ed network of its own. You’d have to basically have a special client and possibly a special relay unless I’m missing something obvious. 

I’m not even against the idea, I just don’t know how it would work. 
 I feel like I’m failing to understand your viewpoint here. Could you expand? How is it any different from X or Facebook where a stalker could just either make a new account to watch you and not interact so they don’t get blocked, or just stalk you without creating an account. 
Am I missing something here? This can and does happen on other platforms. 
 Okay..it happened on Facebook years ago for me. Yes the person was blocked after holding me for 3 days in a room..when he released me he chased me down and almost killed me by curb stomping my teeth.

When I woke up I was interviewed by law enforcement..the block was actively monitored by them and he got caught trying to circumvent it, like you say. He got arrested and convicted and will never see the sun again, considering his age.

After a block if things are serious enough, I can obfuscate my profile if I need to. I can also keep blocking  because stalkers are by nature not thinking straight and make mistakes and reveal themselves. Not knowing behind a mute is bad. 
 I’ll continue asking questions and pondering for a while. There may be an answer but if my mind is comprehending things right, it’d look a lot like mastodon when it was done, but with portable keys.