I want to live in a world of wild ideas 💡
Virtually every single thing you touch, use, walk on, look at, with the exception of wild nature, was someone’s wild idea. Even something as simple as a leather sofa was once a wild idea in someone’s mind. This is a dreamer’s world, we are surrounded by the achieved dreams of others and dreams yet to be fulfilled. Surrounded by wild ideas that became the life’s work of thousands upon thousands of people. So, fortunately for you.. you do live in that world!
I LOVE this!!!
🥹🥹🥹 of course you do, you’re a dreamer!!! https://image.nostr.build/7aeb0809597b8b0c31d65b992d4db5010c67c86f27552c6a6be2f6e1ac15f487.jpg
Under the sea city domes all glass to see the fish’s… Floating city’s in the sea that migrate the seasons.. Floating sky zeppelin villages flying the airstreams.. A living city with 3d stacked scaling farms with solar windows and lights…