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 For folks outside Tokyo, any questions you want to ask @Snowden? 
 Is he single? 
 How solids that Marriage?  
 Which current US presidential candidate is most likely to pardon him? 
 RFK Jr. 
 without doubt RFK Jr 
What would he like to see happen with Nostr? What direction would he like it to take? 
 suck it dumbshit
 J'aimerai bien que stewart Brand nous regarde avec son état d'esprit, il vieillit mais préserve  son ingéniosité, son humeur d'ailleurs au 55 ans du WEC il l'a partagé l'original en pdf il y a environ une semaine sur Twitter X et YouTube ...Sinon on demande à un des fans Jeff Bezos qui est sur nostr .Pensez y il faire des nids  et créer sur  nostr il va sur ces 90ans. Ce serait une grande joie un héritage dans cette nouvelle ère de décentralisation et pourquoi pas Sir Tim Bernes-Lee qui avait pour  objectif aux 30 www de réparer internet puis la COVID est survenue et nos emprisonnements d'office, les données santé partagées. Merci beaucoup  
 Favorite brand of vodka. 
 Vous pensez qu'il boit  de l'alcool , j'avais cru comprendre qu'il avait une pathologie d'ordre neurologique de type épilepsie , m'est avis il devrait pas comme ceux qui ont des pathologies d'ordre cognitifs ou psychiques '.: cocktail dangereux en termes de prévention  
 Little-known fact: I don't drink! Just not my thing. 
 What about water? 
 Neither do I! #boozeisbad 
 when are you coming to hawai'i, hawai'i #cutiepatootie ?

because your timeline is THIS MONTH! 

"How do you think advances in AI will change government censorship and privacy violations? And what measures do you think should be taken against it?"

I would like to hear from Snowden😾 
 ask hawai'i 
 If he found any copies of UFO material in his stash 
 ask #spaceforce
 東京以外(イベントの外で)の方 、エドワード・スノーデンに聞いてみたい質問はありますか?

 Shoes or no shoes? 
 who can help a #primal #tarzantard ? 
 Has he ever been to Oz? 🇦🇺 
 you're not in kansas anymore dumbshit ;) 
 What parenting advice do you have that one would not hear from others without your expertise?  What is your vision of the potential and challenges for the most recent generations and those soon to come?  What are the primary philosophical or common sense understandings we are most obliged to pass on to help them defend themselves from any legitimate future concerns? 
 Is he healthy and okay? 
 what nostr client he use? 
 What does he think of dogecoin?  
 What is he favorite thing about Tokyo? 
 so many #tardstr questions ! 
 The curry. 
 Cool !  
 Not a question, as I’ve grown up with appreciating @Snowden, but in sympathy I’ve always wondered how he personally appreciates/regrets his life since his country turned on him?
In my own little way I wonder what to expect if I’m in his shoes.

Also, does he actually know he’s appreciated still?  By an intractable tiny few? 
 The country is turning on all of us, and the amount of people who appreciate him are not few. 
 he is hawai'ian dumbshit 
 How did he learn about Bitcoin? Were there any specific sources or resources? And sort of just his Bitcoin journey more broadly, and how his thoughts about it have developed over time - initial thoughts, current thoughts and everything in between that he’s willing to share 

Also tell him his original nostr tick tock post is legendary  @Snowden 
 “What do you think of most/all major onramps utilizing chainalysis, is it like TA for ownership (meaning is it like astrology [meaning is it bullshit]), and what threat level does it have relative to your personal ‘hope for meaningful freedom in the US and everywhere else in the foreseeable future’ scale?” 
 he is cancer\ year of pig like elon musk 
 @Snowden have your "anonymous goons" check #rocksuperstar

<winky emoji> 
 Which will happen first:

1] Bitcoin becomes global reserve currency

2] A presidential pardon 
 suck my #NAD ! 
 Pour le Bitcoin compte du fait que presque tous les États se sont lancés dans la monnaie sauf les USA, il vous est venu en tête qu'ils décident de se l'approprier de gré ou de force ?  
 Je pense que c'est impossible. Tout ce dont tu as besoin c'est de 24 mots. 
 His thoughts about the conflict in the middle east and his opinion how this tragedy will come to an end. 
 Welcome to World War 3.. there will be conflict on American soil before this is over. 
 I’d rather be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in a war 
 3eme plutôt le ministre de l'Allemagne s'y préparer alors que la plupart de ses partenaires n'avaient même plus de minutions pour participer, la plus des armées de l'Europe n'avaient  très peu de budgets qui leur été allouées . C'est pourquoi personne n'osait se frotter à Putin  
 The founder of Nostr says Lightning is a scam. Are there better microtipping options for Nostr?  
 Can you site sources, or offer any proof? 

[Don't trust, verify] 
 There is a crowdfunding for nostr client that supports monero https://bounties.monero.social/posts/94/12-000m-nostr-client-for-monero 
 Interesting. I imagine it would be possible to combine a nostr web client with a monero web wallet like https://wallet.mymonero.com/ to do this. 
 if we can convert to lightning to btc this becomes moot. this should be the main focus, not the social media, but... alas... 
 "Convert to lightning to btc" 

You mean open and close a channel?  

Lightning is btc, just tied up. You can absolutely withdraw it to a standard bitcoin wallet.   
 If you could, would you go back? What do you wish you did differently? 
 What do you advise a person to do or not do online. 

We love connecting and sharing, it helps us grow. 

How do you think we can best venture into the merging of cyberspace and meatspace?

What is it like sacrificing material comfort for fundamental ideals?

How can we best support freedom and it’s ideals in the current world? 
 What’s blocking bitcoin to become adopted in day to day transactions and what should we do about it? 
 What people think about it. I asked a friend to pay me with bitcoin, he almost had a crack-down! 
 I mean, he was basically SCARED about using bitcoin.
I asked him why he said that Bitcoin is the money used by drug dealers and terrorists.
“From surreal land it’s all, back to you studios!” 
 Given the treatment (past and ongoing) of individuals like @Snowden  and Assange, how does he view the path to redemption at a societal level?

Ie: Does the nation state in their current iteration need to fail and give rise to something new or is it possible for us to course correct with the existing societal structures? 
 “Until the philosophy which hold one race superior, and another one inferior, until then everywhere is war”
Unfortunately I think we all know the correct answer

 AK la rédemption je m'associe trop aux relegions et à Dieu  ça m'embête que nos nations et dirigent voire la justice continuent de mélanger Foi, Philosophie etc.,au fait de gérer un peuple . Avec tous nos tabous linguistiques et les intérêts je trouve cela fort ubuesques 
 Apologies for the language in that case. 

Rephrase: if we can, how do we course correct 
 I'd like to ask, what gives him hope? 
 Ses enfants et son épouse de plus ils s'en occupe contrairement à certains qui déléguent l'éducation à leur compagne or un enfant a besoin des 2 parents surtout de la conception au 3 ans... 
 children's stories 
 And #Bitcoin? 
 #Bitcoin comes before #nostr🤙 
 “The Nostr.” 
 #Nostr 💜 & #Bitcoin 🧡 is #Hope 🫂 🙏 
 Nostr gives me hope too. 
 "The Nostr" #nostr #grownostr 
 Whats the meaning of this name?  
 This is a very real answer that has become true for most of us here. 

Bitcoin and Nostr 💜🧡 Forever 🫂 
 @Snowden You’ve mentioned before that your conscience is at peace (paraphrasing). What guides your conscience? 
 it is the end of the empires ? 
 I would love to hear his general take on The Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act. 🙏 
 Une thématique importante à aborder tout comme ceux qui vendent du cannabis qui n'est pas autorisé dans tous ..par aux d' âge des utilisateurs , j'aimerai bien savoir à partir de quel âge certains peuvent utiliser, au cannabis très dangereux chez les jeunes jusqu'à environ 26 ans  puis à l'accès aux sites des professionnels du sexe pour le jeune public. En tant qu'adulte il m'arrive d'ouvrir mon téléphone et de tomber sur des scènes que je n'aurais voulu voir ... 
 Can you pls teleport me some good Japanese dish? I bet food is great there 😊
 @Meme Hord  ask a question to snowden 
 "Hey Snowden, what's your take on the probability of returning to the origin in a random walk? In high-dimensional spaces, a step in a random direction is more likely to take you further from the origin! There is a lot of space to explore in high-dimensions. What do you think is the clue for life?"

 What does he think about #PlasmaMoonMap? 
 I’m inside but is he a psy op? (I didn’t think so) 
 Intelligence is it’s own form of currency. Nostr truly in essence functions without a delete button. What are the pros and cons @Snowden sees from a privacy standpoint? 
 La suppression devrait être possible du côté utilisateur puisque si vous vivez dans le pays de Liberté Égalité Fraternité qui est le mien l'Etat a droit de consulter tout ce qu'on fait sur le net avec notre gouvernement actuel notre loi sécurité globale a d'ailleurs été dénoncée par  tous les organismes qui se préoccupent des Droits individuels les journalistes y perdent leur pouvoir et nos fournisseurs d'accès internet jouent le jeu compris concernant la Loi influenceur ..toutes les  MICA DSA RGPD  KYC ...ont trouvées leur origine chez nous, *passées * dans l'UE puis deviennent de plus en plus internationnales ( quête de l'argent, sale ou propre.,..) votre WhatsApp et Instagram peuvent être source d'information pour le ministère de l'intérieur....si vous êtes sur les réseaux sociaux pour la demande d'ESTA ils ont rajouté les noms etc  
 Thank you for the sacrifice, @Snowden. I remember being on Penang Island in South East Asia when the story about you exposing America spying on the world came out. Everyone was talking about it. In recent years I understood abusive gov’t better and grew to truly appreciate the sacrifice you made. 

But people are openly tracked now – online, live cameras on the roads, CBDC kicking in - and marketing gimmicks masking its influence on their lives. 

What are your thoughts on how this will play out in the next 5-10 years? 
 kill your local billionaire.  
 In order to maintain the greatness of a community as large as Twitter when Nostr grew to that extent, what should individuals decide and do? 
 Hi Jack,
I am a link builder and expert in SEO.If you want my service please contact.
 I relate to this man ❤.  He's spot on!  Nostr is so fortunate to have him speak at NOSTRASIA.  Good on you Jack to invite him❣ 
 what was attributed to your leaks that you know wasn’t you. 
 Nice try, FBI. 
 Yeah... those guys 😉 
 You get to dig into this sydney eismeier thing 😰 
 FBI and CIA should be dismantled, agree?  
 How do I stop the president from torturing me?  Does he know about the secret, DARPA/CIA BMI torture program? 
 become amish 
 Shut your fucking cunt. 
 How does he think AI will impact the future? 
 he is initially against it, but will eventually love the search and discovery function too much to hate it 
  🫂 @note1qtfvs7temgelztrcyc8czyaq7wleu0j2peq46x948ln2fev8xrtqtdwp39 
 Does he have faith in Jesus Christ, and believe the gospel? 
 would he vote for you 
 Is it "illegal" to send Ed BTC over nostr?

I sure hope so. Been doing that a lot. 
 Why zcash? 
 nice hickeys on your neck.... gross....  
 What public can do to get free from being monitoring by governments? 

What actions can public make to ask governments be transparent with them?! Such as being transparent with taxes that governments receive?

 If R F Kennedy JR elected, & he truly believes in freedom & peace, can’t he open the way for you and your family to get back home safely?! Can’t he free Julian Assang? ( if no, why not, what is the obstacle?) 
 ask him why he likes to help genocidal dictators so much 
 Edward, when you will be pardoned will you still be afraid to come back to the USA ? And will you be living there ? 🤔 
 Yet entrepreneurs for American companies?!
 I missed the talk but just outside Tokyo in Yamanashi there’s sacred mountains with lots of temples worth visiting. Caves with crystals too. 
 The funny thing about this is I could ask him something about Ukraine, but he's been silent on this for a reason. 
 @Snowden is a hostage in a country at war, the only thing he can do is support russia or at most be silent, being oh so much concerned about abstract privacy is the only thing he is allowed to do now.

Isn't this somehow ironic that he ended up in this situation? What if he was fighting with relatively good guys afterall if the guys he ended up with are 10 times worse? 

 What does he think of the latest @ZEUS beta release?

 Would be shocked if he had a smartphone 😂 
 Thanks for setting this up Jack Mallers. 
 I’m curious about his computer setup. 
 Hey man, i apologize our first meeting was really bunk. Be interesting to see what this all looks like in another 5 years. Heres to ww3 or whatever fun humanity finds itself in... i feel like we are a frog in a pot of boiling water. 
 Can you foresee any potential technological innovations that could help protect human liberty, individualism, and the free & open exchange of goods and ideas? 
 Does he still not believe 9/11 was (at least partially) an inside job? 
 What do you think Snowden would have done if he found himself in the position you were while running Twitter?  
 One question to Edward Snowden: You once recommended GrapheneOS for mobile, but would you recommend CalyxOS too? Because I have trust issues with Google, and Graphene only supports Google Smartphones... 
 How secure is TOR? 
 Why only outside tokyo? 
 What cryptocurrencies should be used in your opinion? 
 A couple years back, @Snowden said something like „Bitcoins flaw is it‘s public ledger.“ Has this view changed or evolved? If do: What have you learned to change your mind? 
 The only question I can think of, how can we help the people of Palestine? 
 that’s a really really good question 
 What's his favorite League of Legends champion?