Oddbean new post about | logout
 95% of bitcoiners are fiat maxis 
 Could be. I'd say closer to 85-90. 
 What does this even mean?

 grifters galore 
 We're actually almost completely out of fiat, now, but not intentionally. Just broke. LOL

Fiat minis. 
 A quick
--checks engine--
searx search reveals that a fiat maxi is someone who "maintains the view that we will all continue with the fiat standard. They also often try to lump Bitcoin and “crypto” together."[1]

Opposite of bitcoin maxi

an example of fiat maxi behavior is buy and dump for short term fiat profit

1. https://cryptonews.net/news/analytics/18901397/ 
Well, most Bitcoin doesn't even move. 
 Moot point / strawman🤦‍♂️ 

Nobody said anything about "most bitcoin" lol 

Maybe this will help your reading comprehension: It's an example behavior from fiat maxi behavior

Not the behavior of most 
 The OP said 95% or most. 

Not bitcoin 
 Means they only see the US dollar value of their #Bitcoin. Like looking at a forest and only seeing the US dollar value of the lumber. Not even seeing the lumber, just a $ and digits after it. #fiatMaxis 

dollar or won or euro or whatev
