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 Masculinity is under attack lately. But I like masculinity actually.

I know, shocker.

The fact that so few U.S. presidential or vice presidential candidates have had beards in modern history is funny to me. I think men usually look better with facial hair, and the older they get the more likely that is. 20-somthing or 30-something strong jaw dudes often look great without facial hair. But when men are 50 or 60 or whatever, that salt-and-pepper beard is so rad and almost always beats the no-beard weak-chin look. I actually think it's weird that neither Biden nor Trump have a beard. JD Vance looks like shit without a beard. Growing a beard is the best move he ever made, imo. And yet the media is like, "A vice president candidate with a beard?"

Masculinity can be rough around the edges, but that's what we need sometimes. It's usually balanced by other societal aspects. In some societies it gets extreme and needs to be pushed back on. My husband has a temper, but his temper is part of his power and why he impacts the world to the extent that he does. So when I interact with his temper, it's not about eliminating it, but rather it's about appreciating it but making sure it's directed in the right direction.

Masculinity and femininity are good. They don't need to be forced. Nature is diverse but society tries to categorize nature into narrower categories. Feminine men and masculine women are cool too. But that doesn't change the fact that masculine men and feminine women are also cool.

I grew up kickboxing and submission grappling. I'm a tomboy. I'm a feminist in terms of promoting equal gender rights. But at the end of the day, I appreciate masculine men. I was never attracted to men who were weaker than me in any capacity, but rather was always attracted to men with gravitas.

The easiest approach to life is to 1) respect biology as it is but then 2) also appreciate the divergences that inherently exist within it.

Trying to equalize nature is to fight against it. And yet trying to eliminate the diversify of nature is also to fight against it.

Nature is fascinating, and I do my best to appreciate it. 
 Read my profile where I talk about the rooster. (Cock) We men need to pay attention to the animal kingdom to find our power. I know my cock really stands out in his hens and only he needs to know his value and stand in it. 
 Such a good take. Really wish I could grow a proper beard! 
 We agree fully! Well put! 
 My GF always hates it when guys shave, “they look like little boys!” 
 You’re the best Lyn. And it’s not just because of the salt and pepper beard appreciation. 
 Improvement yes? https://image.nostr.build/1531fcfa4519fc66c07a48640b27287d0a8ac401cdac2bf12bf0821ba5407b16.jpg  
 I was literally having this conversation with myself last week. I think so many men especially as they age are so much more attractive with a beard. I do like me a man with a beard!!! Also, I love being a woman this lifetime, however, as I begin to face the reality of aging more strongly every day I was thinking that this would be the only reason I'd wish to be a man right now... is so I can grow a beard... The beards is such an unfair advantage that aging men vs. aging women have... They literally don't have to deal with facial fat loss, saggy cheeks, nasolabial folds, turkey neck, jowls etc. 😂😂😂😂 
 Holy crap, that looks exactly like my uncle Ted! 
 Uncle Ted is a badass 
 somebody should tell him. 😂🤣😂 
 There are widely different takes on this concept- culturally and biologically. Agree in general, but think too many people think masculinity means physical force over others. Some tough-guy BS… is not masculinity. At least for me. 

Pretty sure “nature” is so fucking nutz you can find an example to counter any cultural definition of ______.  So that one kinda falls flat to me. 
 what if we neuter the patriarchy with microplastics & soy 
 Well, it's not IF... It's already been done! 
 Very nice... and refreshing to see in written from a female.  Kudos and thank you for the post.  These are the kinds of thoughts that you don't see in the current msm.  It doesn't fit the many narratives being crammed down our throats... i.e. that masculine men are the problem to be avoided at all costs.  Bullocks! 
 Well said. 
 The pinnacle of spirituality is to be in balance with one's own nature and environment, in my opinion.  This is why I am drawn to spiritual philosophies like Taoism and nature-based systems. 
 Love this. 
 Trying to equalize nature is to fight against it. And yet trying to eliminate the diversify of nature is also to fight against it.

 But if fashion means beard,  tatoo or socialism, let's do the opposite! : )~ 
 We tend to get a false dichotomy of socialism, or being a good little worker bee in a middle management position, as if they're not both really an embrace of collectivism in some form or other and an eschewing of individual responsibility in favor of a dull safety.

Looking at Jack's style compared to Elon's should tell you everything to know about what it looks like to be free as a capitalist and what it looks like to be a slave to capital. 
 Lyn, I haven't shaved in a couple weeks, growing out my salt and pepper beard. Just staying 🥵🥵🥵 
 The last time I was actually totally clean shaven was like 7 years ago? My wife took one look at me and was like "No. Never do that again"  
 @preston when beard? 
 I don’t think that’s a shocker. 
 Yikes. JD Vance without a beard is a tough look. Just had to do a quick google search. 
 The maturity to say “this is what I like, but there’s nothing wrong with other things” is sadly rare these days. Thank you for laying this out so perfectly ❤️‍🔥 
 I'm doing my part to bring back the mutton chops. Just because the monetary environment isn't mimicking the 70's doesn't mean I can't. Though I can say that, or I can just admit that the goatee I used to have which was once red is now grey, while the chops are brown, and while I'm not hellbent on staying 20 forever, I'm also not trying to look as old as possible either.

If you ask me, the lack of facial hair on presidents seems to coincide with when we stopped behaving like a sovereign country in the first place, right around the turn into the 20th century. No surprise that a cucked nation has cucked looking presidents. 
 I'm in my late 40s and started growing my first full beard about a month ago. I liking how it looks now that it's starting to fill in. I'm still getting used to the beard life. My wife doesn't like it, though, which puts a damper on my excitement. 
 I’ve shaved my beard once in ten years. My wife cried when I did. Never again. 
 thanks for reminding me to be thankful for my beard when White Dudes for Harris struggle to grow one 
 It so much easier to respect a man with a beard.  I prefer a beard! 
 didn‘t expect this take from someone who likes activism that much.
This network of attacks across media, information structures, science, education and work places would still be wrong even if you disliked masculinity. 
 I really like what you are saying and.. I have a beard 😜 
 I appreciated women at judo because I could always beat them easily but they tried so hard, and they had to take it without complaint☺️🤷‍♂️ 
 Agreed. But similarly men like feminine women. So it's a bit strange/funny hearing this from you, a woman who almost never wears dresses 🤔🙂 
 Bearded men - United! 🤣  
amazing beard pilling 
 "Nature is fascinating"  
 I grew this epic beard. My wife concluded I looked homeless and too old. In a brief survey of people I know, 90% of dudes thought it was awesome, and all of the ladies I know told me to shave.

I ended up shaving it and live full of regret. Though my face is less itchy and there is less problems with food.

 Why should a president look masculine or feminine? And why should presidents look like your taste? 
 Why do you think?

 Use your brain 

The geopolitical landscape is a big competition does it help the country you live in on the global stage if your leader is perceived as a pussy beta male  or incompetent or feminine of course it doesn’t. 
 I decentralize my brain, so that is why I do not think. Much love brother. 🧡  
 For some reason, the male rants about masculinity often come from individuals with high confidence but low self-esteem 
 The dichotomy of the masculine and feminine is a beautiful thing 
 I've never "grown" a beard. I just stopped shaving. The beard grows by itself. I'm proud to say my children have never seen my chin. 
... but deodorant is proof we can improve on God's creation at least a little bit, right?