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 Question for male nostriches!
Do you paint your fingernails?
Just asking as loads of men in Oz do this regularly now, across all ages! 💅
Nothing wrong just curious.
 no.. just...no ;) lol 
 The clear coat after a pedi but that’s as far I’d go 😆 
 For a Halloween costume? Sure. For every day? No thank you. 
 Once in a while with the hammer, when I miss the target  😂 
 Doesn’t go well with a flannel 
 Derek Ross​ 🤔 
 I've never had my nails painted. I guess there's only one way to find out. I'll have my daughter paint them Nostrich purple this week. 
 Excellent! Post a pic wearing your flannel as well 😜 
 They won’t be male if they do. 
 Yeah, actually I do. I also buy my tampons in bulk at Costco! 
 Hey Harry Styles started this trend along with men wearing skirts! 
 Harry Styles? Never heard of her. 🤣 
 What do you mean, they are not men? 👀
 It’s 2023, who tf knows any more 😂🤣 
 But more importantly, do you paint your fingernails 💅😂 
 I do not 😂 I have a very girly daughter who’s about to turn 3 and loves mommy’s makeup, though. So I have a feeling I may have no choice at some point if she has anything to say about it. 
 Oh you’re in for a real treat with her 😂💜🫂 
 Indeed I already am 😂💜 
 The only acceptable skirt for men! https://i.nostr.build/8m7B.jpg  
 no. but i would if my kids wanted to paint nails together. 
 Definitely not! 
 Not a Harry Styles fan! He paints his and wears skirts! 
 Nope, this would emphasize my feminine nature even more 😅😅😅 
 no. I do yard work and fix dirty shit. 
 Well don’t knock it till you try it! 😜 
 did once. it flakes off and becomes aggravating.  shaving the butt crack is also a bad idea. 
 Manscaping is always a good idea 😜 
 No, nunca me las pinté  
 i do sometimes just to fuck w people 
 YES! Finally a male that paints his fingernails 💅 😜 
 My cousin does consistently to celebrate the life of his deceased niece. Toenails too! 
 ha! not professionally 
my wife makes the kids practice on me when I misbehave 
I’m too lazy to wash it off

bonus as it confuses tf out of old patients when they see calloused hands and electric blue nails (neither are normal in my line of work 😂) 
 And I thought upside down people were weird 😂😂 
 another doctor. hii 
 Doctors don't count. 
 Course they do! 
 Haha I struggle to trust their judgement these days, for some straaaange reason lol. 
 Nope 👎 

But if I had the time and money - not against it 🤙🏽 
 3 boys..

my 2 year old loves putting on skirts at preschool, my 5 and 8 year old love painting their nails  😂 
 Haven't seen here :) 
 Only with dirt from gardening 🌱 
 Try painting them sometime 💅 
 Clear coat? 
 No, dark almost black that way you won’t notice the dirt underneath them when gardening. 😁 
 I did a couple times before I realized how fun tattoos were. 
 But at least you can change your colour with painting your nails 💅 
 True, but you can have a cool superhero suit with the right tattoos 
 Who can afford tattoos? It blows my mind. 
 Been friends with folks that have owned several shops over the years and traded artwork for ink. 
 Fair enough. The only tattoos I would ever consider getting would be one on each deltoid saying "do not vaccinate". 
 They aren't men. 
 Why not? 
 Don’t have time, don’t like the look, and would never even consider it. 
 Would you wear a skirt? You know, like Harry Styles? 
 I have. Tight, full length dress, makeup, lipstick the whole nine. We were having fun with a bunch of girls and they wanted to dress me up. I’d do it again for the laughs.

If I was Scottish though I would rock the kilt all the time, as it would be part of my culture and the boys do need to breath. 

Sometimes I wear long johns with nothing else. I suppose its like wearing leggings. 🤷‍♂️ 
 😂😂 see now painting your nails is just the same 
 Yeah, if I was hanging out with you and having a few drinks, I would let you do it. Dress, sure! Why not? But  on a regular basis, nah. Not my style. But if others want to do it, have at it! 
 Done, I’m going to hold you to that when I see you 😂 
 😂 no worries. I would do it in a heart beat. Why not? I’m man enough to wear a dress 😂 people need to just have a little fun🤙 
 Exactly, see jpfrogmd ​ even wolf here knows how to have fun 😂 
 Did he say he wouldn’t? I guarantee you if we were all together, he’d be the first one picking out the eyeliner that make his eyes “pop” 
 What goes with green I wonder? 😂🐸 
 😂 not sure? We will let you decide! 
 I’d love to see him in a tutu! 😂 
 For some reason, that makes perfect sense 😂 
 Then I’d love to put him up on stage somewhere and just leave him there 😂 
 😂 revenge! 
 And then what to do for you? 🤔 
 I wonder? 
 One thing I won’t ever do is get a massage from a man. Just can’t do it. 
 up until this very moment, I had the greatest of sympathies with the wretched totalitarian hell you people endured most recently... 
 "The feminization of society has changed all of us in subtle ways. Most immediately, it has rendered us susceptible to mass hysteria over the COVID pandemic that we have experienced over the last two years. Hysteria, any politically incorrect doctor will tell you, is a specifically feminine complaint. But hysteria is not limited to women these days. On the contrary, women seem to be among the most level-headed and skeptical of the overblown virus fear-mongering. My point is, that the reign of feminine characteristics over societal norms has encouraged men to adopt feminine values and to forego masculine ones. (Emphasis added.)"

 My granddaughter used to use my nails for practice ☺️ 
 See absolutely nothing wrong with that 💜 
 No paint on the fingernails, not opposed to doing it as a joke from time to time. 
 Not myself, but will let my girls paint them if they want to. 
 hell no. 
 . . . No.  
 Helllll noooo