I had a Twilio account registered with my email address many years ago, now I'm trying to register a SendGrid account, but it says that email is already taken, and it sends me to a Twilio sign in form. I successfully sign in with my Twilio account and it redirects me to SendGrid, where it asks me for my username, but I don't have a SendGrid username, so I try to create one. At this point it realizes I'm already logged in to Twilio, so it says I'm logged in successfully and redirects me to SendGrid where it asks me to input my username. This time I try to input my Twilio email, but the page just redirects to the same place, so I try my username, now it asks me for a password. I try my Twilio password, but it says it's incorrect.
This is what absolute top UX looks like.
I had a poor experience with Sendgrid after using them for years.
Postmark is my go-to now.
This happens to me all the time and I hate it
SendGrid is old and annoying
Try https://resend.com
Resend is fantastic! dead simple. Good deliver-ability, only a few minutes to configure DNS. So happy I added it to my framework :)
I think they're trying to kill the product. I had major issues trying to get an account set up abouy a year ago.
I had similar experiences in different services many times, I either let it go and give up using the product until they figure it out or screen record my experience and pester the IT team until they fix it.
Last time the site owner put up a job ad for computer specialits one week after my emails 😂
Was struggling with this, top tier ux this morning as well.