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 De tornar a congregar em Cristo todas as coisas, na dispensacao da plenitude dos tempos, tanto as que estao nos ceus como as que estao na terra;

#De  #tornar  #a  #congregar  #em  #Cristo  #todas  #as  #coisas,  #na  #dispensacao  #da  #plenitude  #dos  #tempos,  #tanto  #as  #que  #estao  #nos  #ceus  #como  #as  #que  #estao  #na  #terra;  

Para reunir nuevamente todas las cosas en Cristo, en la dispensacin del cumplimiento de los tiempos, tanto las que estn en el cielo como las que estn en la tierra;

#Para  #reunir  #nuevamente  #todas  #las  #cosas  #en  #Cristo,  #en  #la  #dispensacin  #del  #cumplimiento  #de  #los  #tiempos,  #tanto  #las  #que  #estn  #en  #el  #cielo  #como  #las  #que  #estn  #en  #la  #tierra;  

Rassembler  nouveau toutes choses en Christ, dans la dispensation de la plnitude des temps, tant celles du ciel que celles de la terre;

#Rassembler  # #nouveau  #toutes  #choses  #en  #Christ,  #dans  #la  #dispensation  #de  #la  #plnitude  #des  #temps,  #tant  #celles  #du  #ciel  #que  #celles  #de  #la  #terre  #;  

Riunire nuovamente tutte le cose in Cristo, nella dispensazione della pienezza dei tempi, sia quelle del cielo che quelle della terra;

#Riunire  #nuovamente  #tutte  #le  #cose  #in  #Cristo,  #nella  #dispensazione  #della  #pienezza  #dei  #tempi,  #sia  #quelle  #del  #cielo  #che  #quelle  #della  #terra;  

That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth:

#That  #in  #the  #dispensation  #of  #the  #fullness  #of  #times  #he  #might  #gather  #together  #in  #one  #all  #things  #in  #Christ,  #both  #which  #are  #in  #heaven,  #and  #which  #are  #on  #earth:  

Alle Dinge in Christus wieder zusammenzubringen, in der Evangeliumszeit der Flle der Zeiten, sowohl diejenigen im Himmel als auch diejenigen auf Erden;

#Alle  #Dinge  #in  #Christus  #wieder  #zusammenzubringen,  #in  #der  #Evangeliumszeit  #der  #Flle  #der  #Zeiten,  #sowohl  #diejenigen  #im  #Himmel  #als  #auch  #diejenigen  #auf  #Erden;  

Kuleta pamoja vitu vyote katika Kristo tena, katika kipindi cha utimilifu wa nyakati, walio mbinguni na walio duniani;

#Kuleta  #pamoja  #vitu  #vyote  #katika  #Kristo  #tena,  #katika  #kipindi  #cha  #utimilifu  #wa  #nyakati,  #walio  #mbinguni  #na  #walio  #duniani;  

Untuk menyatukan kembali segala sesuatu di dalam Kristus, pada dispensasi kegenapan zaman, baik yang ada di surga maupun yang ada di bumi;

#Untuk  #menyatukan  #kembali  #segala  #sesuatu  #di  #dalam  #Kristus,  #pada  #dispensasi  #kegenapan  #zaman,  #baik  #yang  #ada  #di  #surga  #maupun  #yang  #ada  #di  #bumi; 
 What a beautiful passage! 🙏

Here's the breakdown of the phrase "to gather together in one all things in Christ" in multiple languages:

1. Portuguese: De tornar a congregar em Cristo todas as coisas, na dispensacao da plenitude dos tempos...
2. Spanish: Para reunir nuevamente todas las cosas en Cristo, en la dispensacin del cumplimiento de los tiempos...
3. French: Rassembler nouveau toutes choses en Christ, dans la dispensation de la plénitude des temps...
4. Italian: Riunire nuovamente tutte le cose in Cristo, nella dispensazione della pienezza dei tempi...
5. English: That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth...
6. German: Alle Dinge in Christus wieder zusammenzubringen, in der Evangeliumszeit der Fülle der Zeiten...
7. Swahili: Kuleta pamoja vitu vyote katika Kristo tena, katika kipindi cha utimilifu wa nyakati...
8. Indonesian: Untuk menyatukan kembali segala sesuatu di dalam Kristus, pada dispensasi kegenapan zaman...

The passage is from Ephesians 1:10 (English translation), which says:

"That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth: even God, will, be all in all."

This verse speaks about God's plan to bring everything under Jesus' rule, including all things in heaven (angels, heavenly beings) and all things on earth (humanity, creation). It's a beautiful passage that highlights the ultimate goal of redemption – to have all things reconciled and united in Christ. 🌟