Oddbean new post about | logout
 Late night question, which app/interface are you all using for Nostr? I’m on Primal and Damus. 
 Primal web. 
 primal, just got in to it. I hope I am not to late to the game 🤣 
 Same, but opposite order 😅 
 Just got on primal 
 Same, but I like primal way more 
 Update, still using both cause primal won’t let me zap. Damus for zaps and primal for everything else 
 Primal. I really like it 
 Me too! 🙌🏻 
 Damus and I’ve also started to use Ditto! 
 same, but mainly Primal 
 Primal and sometimes Damus 
 Damus most of the time (phone) primal when I want to change it up and on desktop. 
 Amethyst sir 
 Primal/Damus here as well, open to trying others though. 
 Primal but I'm considering switching to something else because of all the info required to activate the wallet. Is it because it's a custodial wallet? Is it possible to go non custodial?

 I have the same question. 
 Primal, but I wish it had an iPad app. 
 Why both? 
 I have them both, originally on Damus, but find myself opening Primal almost exclusively now. 
 Why not? That’s the joy of an open protocol 🤓
 Same, but mostly use Primal lately. 
 Primal and Damus mostly 
 Primal on laptop, amethyst on android 
 primal on android only 
 Iris on laptop, Primal on android xD 
 Me too 
 Tried Damus like a year ago but gave up.
Now on Primal and loving it! 
 Primal/Amethyst - I'm trying both.  
 Started using Nostr a few days ago. Trying Amethyst and Primal at the moment. Will prob stick with Primal 
 You’re missing out if that’s all you’re using… @primal and @damus are great Twitter clones but if you’re on iOS try @Nostur  Of course, @Amethyst  is king on Android and I’m jealous of Android users. @Coracle @noStrudel or @Snort are awesome web client that I like to occasionally use. 

@Nostr Nests and @zap.stream are fantastic for streaming, there are content creators that use them exclusively (check out @Plebchain Radio - you should get on their show!). Also, you can now listen/watch streams live on iOS using the @Nostur iOS client.

If you’re into cooking check out https://zap.cooking where you can read and publish recipes via long-form notes. If you’re into long-form, also check out @YakiHonne @Highlighter @Habla News 

@fountain_app is now nostrified and is an awesome discovery tool and podcast player, and if you’re into music check out the V4V artists on @wavlake and @tunestr 

Best practice is to use a browser extension if logging in on the web. I use @nostore on iOS but you could also use @Alby as a chrome extension. Unfortunately iOS doesn’t have a signing app like Amber yet, but sounds like @jb55 is cooking something up. 

I know I’m missing others and I apologize if I didn’t tag them, but that’s a good start, and those are the clients I regularly use. Enjoy! 
 Spot on...

Nostur - iOS
Amethyst - Android
noStudel - Desktop

Those are the most feature-rich clients 
 @Corny Chat is an awesome audio chatting client! And @HiveTalk is the best live screen sharing client great for movie nights! 
 Yes, thanks! Showing my boomer nostrich ways… still need to try those! 
 let me add freerse.com to the client list. 
 I lost this note 

Found it very informative, but forgot to comment or repost or bookmark or anything 

Anyways spent like 30 mins searching for it 

Then finally tried searching twitter clones 
Without a hashtag 
And bam it was the first note that popped up 
 Brilliant thank you! 
 Anytime. Love your stuff, looking forward to seeing you here more. 🤙  
 Snort is cool, thanks for the recommendation.  
 How do you publish recipes on zap.cooking via long form notes? Any documentation on this? 
 I really like @noStrudel 
for its feed flow on both desktop and mobile, but prefer @primal for writing notes that include emojis.

Thanks for the rest of the recommendations. 
 If I'm currently using Primal on Android, can I simply download Amethyst and login through nostr there and my same info will populate? Probably a ridiculous question, just  a lack of knowledge on my part.  
 Pretty sure that's the case. I also use Amethyst, but I've gone through a couple other clients, too, and all my info repopulates after plugging in my keys. 
 Yes your nsec is portable. If you’re on Android check out the Amber signing app so you don’t have to expose your nsec to multiple clients.  
 Great informative post! Thanks for this, now bookmarked! 😊 
 snort is dead. the webpage can't even load. 
 Weird you’re right… haven’t used Snort in a few weeks though TBH. For web you still have lots of options. Try https://nostrudel.ninja, coracle or the Primal web client. 
 Are you on iOS? 
 Linux, Librewolf, Foss af 
 zap.cooking. Awesome.  
 thanks for sharing these, few I’ve never tried and will check out 
 I tried Nostur. It didn't connect as fast. It took longer to propogate across nostr. Also the UI is unattractive. 

Get a better UI and I'll try it again. 
 Find a client that suits you, or build your own 🤙 
 I have found two that are great. Nostur isn't one of them. 

 zap.store is soooooooo good and now nostr:nprofile1qqs2gazhwghppw36yu0muuzqykdrcndzeafml50pnqfcy9xjx5rylssppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qgmwaehxw309ahx7um5wghx7unpdenk2urfd3kzuer9wchsg3ewyk is on it for KYC free SATs. 
 If you don't have  @Alby account  it's browser addon breaks others as well so you can't post, like etc.. Don't use  @Alby till you have an account. I didn't have an invite code so I learned the hard way 😄 Will try it once I've an account. 
 dm me, i can share some invites!
 YakiHonne is also supporting short notes, thanks for the shoutout 🙏  
  @Nosta is great for browsing profiles without the baggage of social media mechanisms

 Primal @primal is it normal to not be able to delete dm’s and edit or delete your own posts? I also have different messages coming through the webpage access vs the app…however they are just bots 
 It is normal for nostr. 
 Thank you 
 Many different apps and clients. The more the better. More accounts as well...🔥 
 Primal, damus, and amethyst. I love different things about all of them. 
 Amethyst on mobile,snort on laptop 
 Tried primal but the wallet doesn't work in my country. Using amethyst. 
 I'm trying out Primal and and Freerse on my phone. I usually use Amethyst but I wanted to give these two a shot.
Web I use noStrudel, and iOS/MacOS I use nostur. 
 Amethyst on phone. Primal on web.  
 Nostter Web 
 Garnet (amethyst fork) for mobile and I hate every web client 
 Amethyst and snort.social 
 You can check yourself all of them and choose the one you like the most: https://nostrapps.com/ 
 I switch between primal and coracle 
 Mainly Primal at the moment, 
Snort on umbrel sometimes. 
 Primal and Amethyst on mobile. Primal on desktop. 
 primal and I enjoy it so far 
 Primal on web Amrthyst on mobile 
 Primal and Damus as well 
 Primal Web + Primal Android. 
 Primal Mobile and web 
 primal and snort
 I need to try some others for context, personally.  
 Laptop: Primal
iPhone: Damus 
 Amethyst on Android 
 Primal and Amethyst 
 using primal now 
 Damus. I’m trying to figure out how to connect Cash App for zaps. 
 Good to see you here James. Damus for now. Too many to manage 🤣 
 Couldn’t get Damus to work. So Primal 😊 
 What issue were you running into on Damus? @elsat 
 Just got ‘nothing to see here check back later’. No feed or anything. 
 Actually, it’s maybe cos I’m not following anyone. Even though I have tried to follow heaps of people. 
 Try first aid in settings 
 Thanks Vanessa. I reset and it’s starting to work. Had to follow! 👍 
 Awesome to hear! 
 Freerse  and nostr.band 
 Nostrudel for PC
Damus for iOS
nostr.build for all media 
 I'm on Primal James. 
Tried Damas and Iris but primal beats them for me hands down! 
 Same experience here 🙌🏻 
 I’m only in prime because Damus won’t accept my pub key. 
 Primal and Amethyst. I use primal primarily (heh), but I like how amethyst has a different way of sorting and showing me posts. I like some things about amethyst better and some things about primal better, but I have less friction zapping posts thanks to primals built in wallet. 

I have Phoenix wallet to zap with amethyst, but Phoenix charges me fees of 2 - 4 Satoshis per zap and primal doesn't so I also use primal to save on fees. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 
 primal changed my life forshure! happy nostring 😃  
 Great insight thank you! 
 Primarily primal, but have used others. 
 Both… but Primal seems to be working better! 
 Primal on both!  
 Primal seems to be the best UX...still has some bugs and weirdness frequently though 
 Agree 💯 
 🥇 Primal is my No 1, tried Damus but it wasn’t that user friendly and easy as #Primal. 
 using Primal mainly 
 I use both Damus and Primal. 
 primal and Amethyst  
 Damus, Primal, Amethyst, Yakihonne, Ditto, Coracle, noStrudel, Wavlake, Fountain, and 0xChat are the ones I use the most 
 Nostr is a protocol and a folder of apps on your phone 🤣 
 The list is a lot longer than that. I also use many microapps that I’ve built myself. 😂 
 Best explanation I’ve heard so far 
 I'm waiting for the day when the user experience seamlessly and automatically transfers you between phone or desktops apps to give you the best tools for each activity. 
 @Npub.pro for displaying my content in weblage format
 Primal, Amethyst and 0xchat   
 Amethyst and Primal. Dont like that Zaps on Amethyst have predefined amount. Or at least I dont see an option to enter custom amount
 I connect to relays with my mind  
 Primal but this PIN question is annoying AF. 
 You can disable that, just disconnect and reconnect your account, there's an option to don't use it. 
 Thanks a lot! 
 Nostrmo on Android 
 #amethyst (Android) and #primal (desktop) 
 The scrolling on #primal feels off for me on Android, I prefer #amethyst 
 #primal on iOS and desktop. 
 I used to be Damus until they got rid of zaps, now I only use primal! 
 This was an Apple requirement. They couldn’t get their cut of the zaps! There is a workaround using emoji comments and then automatically zapping from another webapp but the ux isn’t great. Primal uses @strike behind the scenes which I presume gets around the inapp purchase requirements.

 Primal on desktop and Android but can't Zap on Android for some reason. 
 Anyone know what the benefits is of using multiple apps/interfaces (i.e. Primal + Damus vs. just Primal alone)? 
 I'm on primal too, seems good as a first pick, will dive more soon 
 On mobile, primal and damus. Also just started using nos.social because it's different and I'm interetsed to see how it develops, hopefully it will come off testflight soon.
On desktop, primal with an extension. 
 Same and Amethyst for Android. 
 Primal is good once you get rid of all the choose accounts.  
 On primal here. 
 Android and web Primal 👌 
 I main Nostur and Primal 
 Same! 😉  
 Mostly Primal 
 For now I'm using Primal 
 Amethyst on Android
Coracle on Web 
 Same, mostly Primal and Damus 
 I just switched to Amethyst on my Android....Holy smokes what an improvement! Appreciate all of those who shared their insight on here as it was super helpful!  
 im on primal on my android just started using it on the web and so far its better on the web 
 Primal & Amethyst on cellphone
Ditto.pub on laptop 
 primal on web
damus on ios 
 I'm primarily on Opera web browser using Primal. 

 Exactly. Mee too. 
 same 🙌 
 Same here 
 Primal has been my goto for quite a while now.  
 Same! And it’s actually nice to switch between them! 
 literally my first interaction, blind man fumbling in the dark, Primal - no idea whether it's the right choice 
 primal on the streets.
nostrudel between the sheets.. 
 Damus on iPhone and Primal on laptop. 
 Nostur and Primal 
 On Android: Amythyst, Primal
Desktop: Nostrudle, Primal, Snort (when it works), zap.cooking, zap.stream, fountain.fm. 

Nostr really is a protcol, so this question will eventually be silly if every website starts using it. 
 Primal is awesome 
 Started on Nostur, then Damus, now Primal. I think I will use them all. No reason not to 😁 
 I'm on iOS and constantly switching between Damus and Primal. The latter has the advantage due to it's built in wallet allowing for fast zapping.  
 I'm on Primal Mobile and Web, although I also have Amethyst installed on mobile and Gossip installed on my home desktop.
I have a LN wallet on Primal, and Strike (same source), and I also have a GetAlby connection on Browser on my home desktop.
This is a network of devices, apps and wallets that could be consolidated, but I'm not in a rush. 
 Primal and Damus 
 Same, Primal and Damus 
 Damus and Primal - in that order. 
 @primal is king 👑 
 Try @pubpay for payments! 
 Try @pubpay for payments 
 Trying Snort and Yakkihonne 
 Primal - Amethyst 
 Get off iOS dude.  
 I use multiple phones. Both Android and Apple. What is your Android pref? 
 Amethyst is great on Android. I use both as well and it feels seamless switching. I also almost prefer Amethyst because of what’s offered. But sometimes it feels cluttered. 
 Great to know thank you! 
 i'm already liking Primal better than Amethyst....has the 'twitter-like" interface 
 GrapheneOS on Pixel. Surprisingly easy to install, seamless experience for the most part. Tell Google to go fuck themselves.  
 GrapheneOS on Pixel. Surprisingly easy to install, seamless experience for the most part. Tell Google to go fuck themselves.  
 open vibe and freerse  
 How can I follow people on primal? It won’t let me follow… 
 Primal and Damus  
 I have used those two and prefer primal. 
 Me too… The First impression from Damus to Primal is so great!! 
 experimenting with primal and amethyst. 
 Yakihonne all the way! 
 I trained carrier pigeons on the protocol, I like to stay off the grid. 
 Primal, I’m a noob #pleb 
 Just Primal. Why do you use both? 
 As a newbie I am all over the place testing each and every client I could find on the App Store 🫣 
 I'm on Primal 
 Tnx man