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 The world has literally gone crazy. How is that different than saying

"Car manufacturers can be held responsible for criminal activity when criminals use their cars to commit crimes and cannot be stopped or identified"

"Book publishers can be held responsible for criminal activity when criminals use information from their books to commit crimes and cannot be stopped or identified."

"Camera manufacturers can be held responsible for criminal activity when criminals use their cameras to surveil and plan illegal activities and cannot be stopped or identified." 
 Gov should be help responsible for criminal activity when fiat money is involved 
 You know … The Federal Reserve and the US Federal Government ought to be found guilty of money forgery and aiding and abetting of forgery. This is only possible in a convention of states, however.

The system is fundamentally flawed such that forgery is a necessary part of it. 
 oh don't give them more justification to put in CDBCs. that's where they're trying to head with this 
 I don't think there's any difference, but I'm not a lawyer. 
 The State only slightly minds if harm befalls its citizenry.

The State cares deeply if its authority is undermined. 
 Here is how a lawyer without open source spirit might  look at it  :-)  

Open Source code  is free  - thus it is a partner in the any tool built on it or usage there of ! Notwithstanding the terms of self issued licence(s) which states no warranty or support , by virtue of it being free ,  it is a party because ownership didn't transfer through a financial transaction ..

A car is fully paid , and so is a camera - thus the manufacturer is absolved of any further usage by new owner .. ownership is legally transferred. 
 open source means there's no owner to begin with. we can all be owners since it doesn't belong to anyone.  
 That is what you feel (me too ) but in the eyes of law , there is no such thing as "belongs to everyone" unless it is water or air and that too I am not so sure of now a days  (land definitely not)  ..  

anything man made has an owner  - home , car .. if your asset is involved in breach of law - you are on the hook  . That however doesn't mean you are guilty  - you just need to prove your innocence  -  the burden of proof still on you  .. which is a bigger punishment IMHO ..  
 If someone else used my car to committ a crime with it, I am not liable for the crime. 
 Unless there is a connection 
 No one is liable till proven guilty  but you will be implicated .. and the burden of proof shifts to you that you didn't give your car as an accomplice  .. that is the reason you must file a stolen report as soon as you realize you car (or another asset ) is stolen ...  
 There is never a burden to prove innocence. There is the state's burden to prove guilty beyond reasonable doubt.  
 anonymous algos are new tech. 
law needs to keep up with it. 
how does one refute the need to hold those responsible?
just accept you can get away with crime?
answer is govt needs to respond, with this cat and mouse game. 
if someone sets up a gun ready for assassination of JFK, and a passerby finds it, pulls trigger, does the person who set that up remain innocent? 
 Yup. It's pretty crazy. 
 Because it’s different when it affects and hurts THE BANKING CARTEL. 
 This is true 
 imagine tcp/ip devs are now responsible for ALL online crimes🤣 
 Good. There was no crime before this bloody internet thing. 
 I think the unspoken idea here is that privacy itself is seen as a crime. Cars have legitimate uses, but in their minds you have no right to evade financial surveillance. 
 They are wrong though, because that's 4th amendment unreasonable search and seizure. They are violating the law of the land. They are illegitimate. 
 Never seen cars being distributed free though :-)  or Cameras  or even physical books  - soft books yes but you cant throw them on anyone to cause a hurt :-) Free porn was always under eyes and is in many jurisdictions - but it got lax now for there are bigger issues  of money .. 
 that's the point =]

they'll be coming for all those things, too. data is power. information assyrmetry. they get to know everything about you and you get to know nothing. you can't make any moves and they can predict all of yours and your reactions to anything they may want to threaten to bribe you with 
 Please don't tempt the courts and lawmakers to take stances like these, they just might do it, unironically.