This is progress, believe me 🤣 Per @Laeserin's suggestion, I've added filters that pare down the fetched kind 30040 events to just events that comply with the NKBIP-01 specification (Wikistr link below). From this I learned that we haven't yet uploaded any test events that comply with the new specification! I used the opportunity to improve the app's loading states, and to add a message in the case no matching events show up in the feed. Article display functionality is almost complete; next I'll be working on an article writer interface. I'd love to hear y'all's suggestions on the article writer UX! #alexandria #gitcitadel #development #otherstuff*dc4cd086cd7ce5b1832adf4fdd1211289880d2c7e295bcb0e684c01acee77c06
We have now also learned that some consoles require a content tag, even if it's empty.
I haven't found two titles that match. ISBN tag maybe needs to follow the spec in NIP 73 for 30040.
I'll check out NIP-73 👀
What do you mean about matching titles? If you give some more context I can investigate.
I was looking for two events one 30040 and one 30041 with the same title.
30040 and 30041 events aren't expected to have matching titles. 30040 events act as an index of multiple 30041 events, so the name of the index/collection will likely differ from the names of the individual 30041 fragments of which it is composed.
are the "e" tag events in 30040 events 30041? they will have to match somehow I think.
Yes the e tags in 30040 events reference 30041. The reference format is kind+pubkey+d-tag, IIRC. So the e tag references should include a d tag that shows up in some 30041 event.
e tags in 30040 can reference any event kind, includind 01 or other 30040. We just defined 30041 as the default kind.
Ope I hadn't thought about that yet! We'll need to add some extra rules for rendering non-30041 events in our viewer.