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 "67% of California employers want to move their HQ out of Golden State, RedBalloon reports"

Fine just leave all the fuckin asshole employees who voted for the stupid shit that caused it behind and hire locals.  Don't go shitting in your new back yard. 

 I wonder if density or population numbers is a huge factor in how people vote? 
 Look at any state no matter how red, look at an election map by counties for that state, note that every major metro area will be blue.  Then you have you answer.  
 Or a chicken and the egg problem.
The blue policies lead to welfare dependencies and poverty mindset. These policies and mindsets also drive further population density as the only possible ways to support the programs without instantaneous destruction.

But they feed on each other. In a festering sort of way. 
 What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

- Langston Hughes

 So it seems you're saying there's something about lots of people condensed in an area that causes them to vote "blue". Would be interesting to find out why that is. 
 Parasites need hosts.  You will find the left more in higher population density telling other people what they should be doing or thinking. 
 As someone who left California after 30 years to move my software business to North Carolina, I understand why companies want to do this. I also imagine that many of the employees who will leave California to get work in these new red states will probably bring their voting tendencies with them. Thus causing the state that they are just moving to, to become just as hostile for business as the one they moved from. There is much to miss in California (weather, friends, etc). But North Carolina has much of those benefits (if you can ignore mosquitoes and hurricanes) without the BS that is going on in California politics.