Oddbean new post about | logout
 4 years ago I almost only ate cookies, drank coke and didn’t workout 

Not one family member or friend said anything about it 

Today I eat pure animal based food, zero industrial garbage and workout every day 

Almost every family member or friend had its ‘worries’ about my diet and lifestyle or said I was too obsessed

Fucked up society 
 Damn bro! I applaud you 
 Everyone wants to see you do well but not better than them

 Oof hits hard 
 Spermatozoid run is still running. I only hope we can find a winner soon. 
 Misery loves company 
 How dare you get off of the shared misery mill?  
 They all jabbed? 
 Yep 🥴 
 they should be happy that you improved your lifestyle 
 Yeah they often say “I’m happy for you but I’m just worried” and then they get defensive as fuck 😂 
 "I'm worried you're better now!"

When I got on carnivore diet 5 years ago and lost weight, tho I felt great and all my symptoms were gone. This friend kept raising one eye brow and saying "are you okay? You might have cancer!" 
It didn't matter how much I told her I'm better and healthier, she still kept saying "this is healthy?!"  
 Eat only industrial garbage, don’t do any sport, spend entire days in your couch and be morbidly obese and no one will ever say to you “you might get cancer” 
 Same for me 😂 
 Here for you brother! I know it’s sometimes lonely 
 Atta boy 
 They aren't worried; they are projecting their own shortcomings by feigning concern because they lack the discipline you have displayed. 💪 
 Followed 🫂🫂🫂 
 This is the way… 
 I’m glad you climbed out of that. It’s real when you get to the age where you realize only you are coming to save you. 
 flies love shit, worry loves company 
 Hard truth 
 People don’t like people who make them think about their bad habits. You look at people who are obsessed in a good way and may start to think “What if also should get my shit together?” Makes people uncomfortable. Easier to tell them they crazy instead of looking in the mirror. 
 This hits hard! 
 You wrote what I thought 😂 
 You both wrote what I thought so I didn't have to write. But boost boost haha  
 People don’t want you to be better than them. They are still eating cookies. And if you’re doing something to change yourself, that makes them feel guilty about continuing their ways. It’s self-pity not concern for you. 
 100% agreed brother 🫂 
 grandpa said " worry is a waste of mind" 
 t-y grandpa 
 Love some Grandpa wisdom 👍 
 You’re now the mirror that makes them feel bad about their own behavior. 
 This 👆🏻 
 Same here when we started Keto, Low Carb and Intermittent Fasting diet about 5 years ago… we quickly became the weirdoes of the family and friends, but slowly, very slowly, they are asking about things and some changing a bit, after they see our results and quality of life! Only a small minority kept on trolling… and we have loads of fun with those too! 🤣 
 Awesome to hear the work you’ve put in! Keep going brother! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🙏🏼 
 Remember to work on mobility. Stay strong 💪  
 Damn man that’s sad to think about. We’re brainwashed to bring people down 
 Good for you for change your lifestyle.  Keep it up.  You’ll be healthier that those around you. 
 Maybe they're jealous  
 You the real one bro 🫂 
 Get it, brother! 
 Stay humble and stack 🥩 and 🏋️‍♂️ 
 Glad for you, you are so strong 💪🏽 how did your body change? 
 Got incredibly lean, gained muscles ofc but my body, energy levels, mental health feels better than ever. So focused 
 Holy shit I didn’t even realize that but when I stopped eating seed oils people gave me shit for it and said I was too extreme. But when I ate fast food and junk every day, no one said anything about my diet as I got fatter. 
 Yikes it’s always the same… unbelievable 
 The most difficult lesson I've learned in life is that you cannot take everyone with you to where you're going.   The flippant version is: a peep of chickens walk on the ground while eagles soar alone.   It is still hard, even with the great views.  I'm sorry they hurt your heart.  Hopefully you'll inspire someone and that change will change the world.   
 Thank you! This truly means a lot to me 
 LOL for real like they call it a "diet" and say wow you lost so much weight, the idea of health for the average person is so F'd 
 lol what about those fucking diet drugs. whats it called. ozempic. OH WOW YOU LOOK SO GREAT! your fucking insides are melting you fucking idiot! 😂 
 LOL and those ozems have gained zero muscle mass in the process, they just look like they're wasting away 
 Indeed… it’s not even a diet, it’s a fucking lifestyle 
 Yup! A little over 4 years ago for me. I'm no where near that good, but I'm down 50lbs and still counting. I'm more in shape than I ever was as a teenager. Workout at least once a day for sure. I sometimes get the same effect, even when turning down alcohol  as well. 
 Sad reality brother! It can be lonely sometimes 

Proud of your work and effort bro! Keep pushing 
 🤡 🌐  
 Fucked up indeed. I'm 60 now found bitcoin in 2017 went down all the rabbit holes, as you do, gave up drink and drugs, went carnivore, started exercising, didn't get jabbed and now I pretty much walk alone, but I'm happy.😀🔥🌞🫂🇹🇭🤙🐘💜 
 Feel you brother! It can be lonely 

I’m here for you 🫂 
 Thanks, mate🫂🤙🐘 
 food industry spell 🪄 
 Same bro! They don’t listen to my advices at all. 
 It's the herd mentality. Your doing something different, it adds stress to their emotions. You're breaking the Matrix illusion. Just keep it up.  Not many, but some will follow. 
 Wow, did not realized until this post. For me it is almost 2 years, otherwise same story...

 You did the right thing to make those changes. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but so worth doing!

I'm a couple weeks into eating "mostly not plants" (beef, lamb, dairy and a small amount of plants for flavor and variety). I already feel quite different with positive results. 

Sometimes we just have to do something drastically different to get the results we want. 

#carnivore #lowcarb #health 
 Good to hear your progress bro! Feel free to dm me if you have some questions or just want to talk

I know it can be lonely sometimes 
 Then they fight you, then you win. 
 LOL My mom told me to be careful when I got back into shape.