Ah. Narcissists gating relationships, the oldest trick in the book.
Growing up is learning that, maybe not everything wrong is actually your fault. Also that some family estrangement is necessary when you don’t want to end up like them….Like some are actually indirectly praised for their shady scheming abilities.
Is that neurotypical or neruro-psychotic?
Please share healthy family dynamics if there are any out there…
@5d36f9b1 best thing I ever did for my family relationship was cut them all off for a few years. I just did not have the time or energy to be constantly gaslit about things. When the channels finally opened up again, it was on my terms and that was made pretty clear and it has been a really healthy relationship ever since. It may have been pure luck but I would've cut them off anyway, had no expectation of things ever being better.
@5d36f9b1 “Found family” resonates so much for me. Between dynamics and stubbornness biological connections are simply that. Organ donation candidates only 🫥