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 Would you change your mind about #Bitcoin being digital gold and #Monero not being it if #XMR price was performing exactly like #BTC price? if not, why not? 
 First would be to distinguish between #value and #price, in any case 
 I’m specifically referring to the price here  because that’s the element that keeps most people from being as involved in #Monero than they are in #Bitcoin. Maybe Monero is underpriced (or Bitcoin relatively overpriced) but at the end of the day the price dynamic matters when deciding or not to hold one of this #crypto. 
 I think there’s no point in comparing. I mean both share some characteristics like sovereignty, etc. But when it comes to the price it’s obvious that bitcoin has bigger market share (for good and bad reasons). Ain’t enough that #monero has proved its “value”, for some cases/people/circumstances even way bigger than #bitcoin and that also has proved to be a decent store of #value 
 That's a really good question. For me, Bitcoin is the one because of how it's thoroughly decentralized and has a robust network alongside the value that BTC holds. It's absolutely not a maxi thing for me, I just feel it makes more sense to use both BTC and XMR for different use cases. 
 #Monero is similarly decentralized than #Bitcoin, potentially even more although it’s impossible to tell for sure. 
 Well, I'm talking more about the sheer number of nodes Bitcoin has. So many nodes, thus so decentralized that it's absolutely impossible to shut down. Monero could get to that point at some time down the road, though, to be completely fair. I just don't personally see that happening any time soon, considering the delistings and poor value performance. 
 The number of nodes is not as important as the decentralization of the hashrate and the money supply. First, non-minning nodes can be sybil-attacked so it’s not technically possible to know how many unique node participants a network has. Both #Bitcoin and #Monero have a healthy number of nodes, multiplying these numbers wouldn’t add substantial value to the network. When it comes to the hashrate, it has been concentrating in the Bitcoin network which is a concerning trend. The barrier to entry is now so high that mostly nation-states like actors enter the market hence, the future decentralization of the hashpower relies on those actors competing with each others. Due to privacy features of Monero, it’s hard to know for sure how concentrated the Monero hashrate is (which can be an argument against Monero by itself) but at least participating in mining remains accessible to anyone. Regarding the money supply, it seems pretty obvious that Bitcoin is seeing greater concentration of the its money supply than Monero. This is especially true since the launch of the ETF or the growing use of intermediary hubs to transact or store bitcoins. Again, hard to tell how concentrated the Monero supply is, but its growing use as a P2P payment method and desintermediation from the banking system decreasing favor its decentralization. 
 If it's not apparent by my posts, I'm definitely far from an expert on these things. I just go by the research I find and, well, it's difficult to find good research when there are genuine cultish resources on both sides. It's part of why I aim to use both if I ever find a way to obtain them without KYC (all of the no-KYC methods I've looked into seem to fall through for me). I also do plan to look into XMR mining to see if that's a possible option for me. 
 I tried monero mining with 6 machines and 2 GPu's and it was terrible. Only a few cents per day or less, s ometimes nothing 
 Well, there goes yet another possible way I could get some XMR. 😩 
 If you have goods of services to sell, XMRBazaar is another way to earn #Monero -> https://xmrbazaar.com 
 Thanks, I've bookmarked it but unfortunately, I don't really have anything to sell at this point in my life. 
 Think deeper 
 False premise