just thought i'd show a photo of this dermatitis that i get left foot right now is soooo horribly irritating, right is not much better but you can sorta see how angry that left side is a lot of the time i can forget about it for quite some time but today it's being especially in my face https://cdn.satellite.earth/b9b17cb2c9bdf4e46fcf47d98f94296f08fcde221839271e949a3ca0d1aeceac.jpg
Have you tried comfrey salve?
the best thing for soothing it seems to be coconut oil, i keep forgetting i have some still
yeah, it isn't a contact dermatitis, it's caused by an immune reaction in my intestines to many kinds of gluten protein it's probably even flaring up today from gluten adjacent stuff like zein from the corn i had yesterday, and there is wheat flower in so many things you wouldn't believe
My dermatitis is mild compared to that but all I need to do is apply good quality white petroleum jelly daily. Give it a shot if you haven’t.
Sorry about that.