Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’m being asked to post a picture of myself while I show my finger prints to the camera, this is ridiculous and dangerous. These guys are accustomed to extreme degeneracy exposure that seeing a normal girl with a decent face being interested in protecting her hard work from money printing through Bitcoin, makes her an unreal bot scammer. 
 Who’s asking you that? Just so I can mute them… 
 it would take some work for me to find it but i got accused of being an AI chatbot because i can write so much in a short time due to my fancy keyboard and decades of touch typing 
 @Laeserin i've been accused of being on meth, and of being an AI more recently because i can type so much in as short period of time, with quite a lot of signs of knowing a lot of stuff

let's not make this about the gender or you set it up for a longer brawl than it has to be 
 also, occasionally i was on meth, but mostly just energy drinks 
 fun fact, i can't take meth anymore since i became prediabetic... makes my muscles cramp like a sumbitch... couple years ago i accidentally took like 10x what i meant to and i was seeing my shadow, i mean jungian shadow, was like my father but made out of grey tar and hiding like a cockroach, that experience was pivotal 
 It's not always about gender, but it often is, as that's the easiest way to classify people and form a mob to go after someone you don't like. Just have to remind them of something nasty someone similar did and they get all riled up. NPCs that they are. 🙄

I just take the opportunity to mute them for failing the discernment test. 
 my point is that trying to propose that the cause of this is gender and the female persona is unproductive because that is a lazy evaluation, and it's generally a good rule, so attacking a good rule is stupid

better to defuse the situation by pointing out that some people get accused of being crazy, on drugs, and AIs, and that being suspicious is not a crime nor is voicing your suspicions but what is crappy is not backing down when you are wrong 
 He's so obviously wrong and his lackys are doubling-down and it's like 😬 
 ok but attacking people and not principles is worthless 
 Same, but we also think bizarrely fast and are often brainstorming different topics in different threads simultaneously. Someone suggested I was an entire team of people, once.
I just have no mental lag time. 
 yeah, i don't have sympathy with you for nothing, there is very few like us in the world 