Yeah AI could be a good use. Don't be afraid to over ride, and follow your own intuition gut. Key to branding, break down what you want to say, why you want to say it, sync up the two. And then overlap with who you targeting, what appeals to them etc. I think alot of branding goes wrong with over prioritising certain aspect, neglecting another. And finally the feel. You could follow the rules perfectly but what does it feel like. Sometimes it doesn't work. Last bit formula is you. You gonna be living breathing this everyday. So make sure it all ties up with what drives you. Eg. You could brand something thats visually not as good but it really ties with the person. And so end result it works. Something is only as successfully as the energy someone puts into it. So its all about getting the balance right. Best branding company realise this. I think its a difficult skill to master. I'd be happy to be sounding board if u want any ideas / feedback from me. I like to help those I like. But I have to warn you, Big Boss Bear actually thinks he is a monkey 🙊🙊🙊