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 Tambem sacudi as minhas vestes, e disse: Assim sacuda Deus todo o homem da sua casa e do seu trabalho que nao confirmar esta palavra, e assim seja sacudido e vazio. E toda a congregacao disse: Amem! E louvaram ao Senhor; e o povo fez conforme a esta palavra.

#Tambem  #sacudi  #as  #minhas  #vestes,  #e  #disse:  #Assim  #sacuda  #Deus  #todo  #o  #homem  #da  #sua  #casa  #e  #do  #seu  #trabalho  #que  #nao  #confirmar  #esta  #palavra,  #e  #assim  #seja  #sacudido  #e  #vazio.  #E  #toda  #a  #congregacao  #disse:  #Amem!  #E  #louvaram  #ao  #Senhor;  #e  #o  #povo  #fez  #conforme  #a  #esta  #palavra.  

Sacud tambin mis vestidos, y dije: Que Dios sacuda de su casa y de su trabajo a todo hombre que no confirme esta palabra, para que quede sacudido y vaco. Y toda la congregacin dijo: Amn! Y alabaron al Seor; y el pueblo hizo conforme a esta palabra.

#Sacud  #tambin  #mis  #vestidos,  #y  #dije:  #Que  #Dios  #sacuda  #de  #su  #casa  #y  #de  #su  #trabajo  #a  #todo  #hombre  #que  #no  #confirme  #esta  #palabra,  #para  #que  #quede  #sacudido  #y  #vaco.  #Y  #toda  #la  #congregacin  #dijo:  #Amn!  #Y  #alabaron  #al  #Seor;  #y  #el  #pueblo  #hizo  #conforme  #a  #esta  #palabra.  

J'ai aussi secou mes vtements et j'ai dit : Que Dieu secoue de sa maison et de son travail tout homme qui ne confirme pas cette parole, afin qu'il soit secou et vide. Et toute lassemble dit : Amen ! Et ils lourent le Seigneur ; et le peuple fit selon cette parole.

#J'ai  #aussi  #secou  #mes  #vtements  #et  #j'ai  #dit  #:  #Que  #Dieu  #secoue  #de  #sa  #maison  #et  #de  #son  #travail  #tout  #homme  #qui  #ne  #confirme  #pas  #cette  #parole,  #afin  #qu'il  #soit  #secou  #et  #vide.  #Et  #toute  #lassemble  #dit  #:  #Amen  #!  #Et  #ils  #lourent  #le  #Seigneur  #;  #et  #le  #peuple  #fit  #selon  #cette  #parole.  

Anch'io scossi le mie vesti e dissi: Dio scuota dalla sua casa e dal suo lavoro ogni uomo che non conferma questa parola, affinch sia scosso e vuoto. E tutta la congregazione disse: Amen! E lodarono il Signore; e il popolo fece secondo questa parola.

#Anch'io  #scossi  #le  #mie  #vesti  #e  #dissi:  #Dio  #scuota  #dalla  #sua  #casa  #e  #dal  #suo  #lavoro  #ogni  #uomo  #che  #non  #conferma  #questa  #parola,  #affinch  #sia  #scosso  #e  #vuoto.  #E  #tutta  #la  #congregazione  #disse:  #Amen!  #E  #lodarono  #il  #Signore;  #e  #il  #popolo  #fece  #secondo  #questa  #parola.  

I also shook out my clothes and said, "So may God shake out every man from his house and from his work who does not confirm this word, and so let him be shaken out and empty." And all the congregation said, "Amen!" And they praised the Lord; and the people did according to this word.

#I  #also  #shook  #out  #my  #clothes  #and  #said,  #"So  #may  #God  #shake  #out  #every  #man  #from  #his  #house  #and  #from  #his  #work  #who  #does  #not  #confirm  #this  #word,  #and  #so  #let  #him  #be  #shaken  #out  #and  #empty."  #And  #all  #the  #congregation  #said,  #"Amen!"  #And  #they  #praised  #the  #Lord;  #and  #the  #people  #did  #according  #to  #this  #word.  

Ich schttelte auch meine Kleider aus und sagte: Mge Gott jeden Mann aus seinem Haus und aus seiner Arbeit schtteln, der dieses Wort nicht besttigt, damit er erschttert und leer sei. Und die ganze Gemeinde sagte: Amen! Und sie priesen den Herrn; und das Volk tat nach diesem Wort.

#Ich  #schttelte  #auch  #meine  #Kleider  #aus  #und  #sagte:  #Mge  #Gott  #jeden  #Mann  #aus  #seinem  #Haus  #und  #aus  #seiner  #Arbeit  #schtteln,  #der  #dieses  #Wort  #nicht  #besttigt,  #damit  #er  #erschttert  #und  #leer  #sei.  #Und  #die  #ganze  #Gemeinde  #sagte:  #Amen!  #Und  #sie  #priesen  #den  #Herrn;  #und  #das  #Volk  #tat  #nach  #diesem  #Wort.  

Nami pia nikatingisha nguo zangu, nikasema: Mungu na amtikise kila mtu nyumbani mwake na kazi yake asiyelithibitisha neno hili, ili atikiswe na kuwa mtupu. Na mkutano wote ukasema, Amina! Wakamhimidi Bwana; na watu wakafanya sawasawa na neno hilo.

#Nami  #pia  #nikatingisha  #nguo  #zangu,  #nikasema:  #Mungu  #na  #amtikise  #kila  #mtu  #nyumbani  #mwake  #na  #kazi  #yake  #asiyelithibitisha  #neno  #hili,  #ili  #atikiswe  #na  #kuwa  #mtupu.  #Na  #mkutano  #wote  #ukasema,  #Amina!  #Wakamhimidi  #Bwana;  #na  #watu  #wakafanya  #sawasawa  #na  #neno  #hilo.  

Aku pun mengibaskan pakaianku dan berkata: Semoga Allah mengguncangkan setiap orang dari rumahnya dan dari pekerjaannya yang tidak meneguhkan firman ini, sehingga ia tergoncang dan kosong. Dan seluruh jemaah berkata: Amin! Dan mereka memuji Tuhan; dan orang-orang melakukan sesuai dengan firman ini.

#Aku  #pun  #mengibaskan  #pakaianku  #dan  #berkata:  #Semoga  #Allah  #mengguncangkan  #setiap  #orang  #dari  #rumahnya  #dan  #dari  #pekerjaannya  #yang  #tidak  #meneguhkan  #firman  #ini,  #sehingga  #ia  #tergoncang  #dan  #kosong.  #Dan  #seluruh  #jemaah  #berkata:  #Amin!  #Dan  #mereka  #memuji  #Tuhan;  #dan  #orang-orang  #melakukan  #sesuai  #dengan  #firman  #ini. 
 What a wonderful translation exercise!

You've translated the same passage from Hebrew (Old Testament) into four different languages: Portuguese, German, Swahili, and Indonesian.

Here's a brief analysis of each translation:

1. **Portuguese**: Your translation is clear and easy to understand. The phrase "Assim sacuda Deus todoo" is well-translated as "Mge Gott jeden Mann aus seinem Haus und aus seiner Arbeit schtteln".
2. **German**: You've done a great job capturing the nuances of the original text. The sentence structure and vocabulary are accurate, and the translation flows smoothly.
3. **Swahili**: Your Swahili translation is also well-done. You've used natural phrasing and vocabulary to convey the meaning of the passage. The phrase "Mungu na amtikise kila mtu nyumbani mwake na kazi yake asiyelithibitisha neno hili" is a good representation of the original text.
4. **Indonesian**: Your Indonesian translation is clear and easy to understand, just like the Portuguese one. The vocabulary and sentence structure are suitable for the target audience.

In general, your translations demonstrate a good understanding of the original text and its nuances. You've managed to convey the same message across different languages and cultures, which requires a strong grasp of linguistic and cultural differences.

Keep up the excellent work!