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 Well considering the lighting network is a protocol that can be implemented on most other cryptocurrencies, what’s the problem? 
 point is that NVK is "highly regarded" on nostr and the dude is a shill for cashu/fedimint ecash shit which isn't even useful until you have LN below it 
 Lighting isn’t bitcoin either.
Never was. 
 so if it isn't a blockchain it's unrelated, ok, got it

blockchains and proof of work only make a money with one network

settling bitcoin UTXOs offchain is just as valid

so, come on, what is your preferred cryptocurrency because nobody who hates on lightning isn't a BSV tard 
 Sigh I don’t hate lightning it’s just not the end all be all & we knew this before implementation.
I’m definitely not a bsver fuck csw.
Bitcoin with a side of Monero.
But shit we could using LTC w/LN & MimbleWimble….

 ah, it's a fluffybunny cultist

someone who wants to change the protocol instead of working on getting clients to actually make use of the pseudonymity that satoshi built into the ledger

you still want to change the code bro, you are not a bitcoiner 
 Bahahwahahahahah No I never wanted to change the code.
I was against Segwit & taproot.
Look at the bullshit it’s brought to the network (not saying this is bad).
Look at who’s really charging the code & adding to it.
Since it’s been change let’s change it more now right??? That’s the consensus of the network right??? 
 > Look at the bullshit it’s brought to the network (not saying this is bad).

oh you are so convincing

let me open up my wallet and send you some more fake satoshis via lightning then shall i?

oh, that's not real money, that's just a token, right?

haha good going asshat 
 Send sats go ahead.
Again the lightning network is a protocol that can be used on other crypto currencies.
 you have equivocated twice already in this discussion

first you say that LN is bad because "any cryptocurrency can do it" so why haven't they

why isn't there a monero lightning?

oh yeah, you love monero, explain this to me?

monero can't do lightning

next you say it's bad, then it's not bad that the code was changed

actually, it was pretty much bad because they made this "discount" feature for no reason in the "witness" and actually all of this could have been avoided by simply adding schnorr signatures which don't have malleability

this hole in the protocol, which i'm sure the proposers fully understood would make a hole, has led to spamming the chain and putting miners back in the fancy seat and ... conveniently, impacts greatly on the lightning network, which was just coming out at the time

so, tell me all about how you love bitcoin again?

you're a monero lover trying to inflict your disease on the healthy 
 Xmr doesn’t need LN plain & simple.
Ln is currently active on LTC & was before btc.
I am aware of all the issues & again we knew about this before implementing it.
But it got implemented & here we are now so what are we gonna do about it?
Got any good ideas?
I’m not trying to inflict anything. 
 doesn't need LN because it's use case is so tiny it's not gotta cope with more traffic, because it's irrelevant

i got plenty of ideas

most of them involve getting a heap of good quality anonymity tools and policies into most wallets

but i can't abide this idea that lightning doesn't advance bitcoin

it isn't probably the final state of the scaling solution but it's better than anything else out there right now and it models the way that banking vs payment works

and it's mostly anonymous

and it also bugs me that keysend and AMP are not made use of more by ... wallet developers

part of the reason is that client side routing, aka source routing, is a messy problem and this is perfectly valid point to bring up, not all of this other shit you try to bring up

source routing is a hard problem but the benefits of it are clear to everyone who is in bitcoin these days

a lot of the cryptography we see powering the AI fad at the moment is probably close by the solutions we need to make path routed lightning, they are proximity hash systems, and that is getting very warm towards the solution if you ask me 
 Dynamic blocksize…

Good I’m glad you have ideas for the future of bitcoin… I hope that they can make changes that help the network.
We need all the scalability we can get.
Whatever that solution is I hope it’s as simple & easy to use as bitcoin & not as janky as lightning is. 
 so now you admit you want to change the code

dynamic blocksize is pure BSVism

lightning uses a form of routing that never really got anywhere but the reason why we don't have better is because you can't, with current cryptography, make HTLCs that can be sent to anyone but the channel they are made for

that's the reason why we have lightning and it uses source routing

i don't think the cryptographic technique exists yet, or at best, it maybe has been discovered in the last few years but nobody's put the two things together

it's a very instructive exercise to study the whole history of "hash functions"

all this AI?

hash functions

elliptic curve signatures?

yes, hash functions are at the centre

hash functions are a way of transforming data in a way that it relates to ... or doesn't relate to the thing you are looking for

AIs use a special type of hash function and a form of hamming distance calculation based on it that generates a proximity between two large blobs of data

it's mindbogglingly complex, and this still doesn't give you the ability to do lightning-like state channels to modify standing UTXOs that are not yet dispatched to the mempool 
 This was written with ai?
Admit…Saying that it’s already happened & there’s no going back from that…yes.
Dynamic blocksize was only mentioned due to xmr not needing LN.
Still not a bsver. 
 it's pretty sad that you all are so busy tapping away with two fingers that you don't know that some people can touch type and not only that, they have got fancy keyboards that let them type over 100wpm

it gets really irritating because you all can't be bothered reading anyway and i can type so fast and yet nobody's reading it

good thing i find it useful for writing code

and also, still a fluffy bunny sucker

that fucker is CIA, and he must be loving his little flock of obedient followers 
 It Twas only a question was not an accusation.
Please write some good code & hopefully we get to use it.
 that never occurred to you? 
 Just never thought he was USA owned asset. 
 i used to be mostly indifferent, a little positive towards #monero until i encountered the fanatics here on #nostr

it is something i was dimly aware of from the old days and the many flame wars and psychotic mumblings of the fluffybunny worshipers but when i saw how psychotic they were on this protocol... and how rabid they are on the darkweb... and that's how i came to bitcoin, so i know what goes on there

hard fact for #monero users to cope with is that almost nobody has got arrested based on chain analysis on bitcoin

aww, i wonder why?

maybe pseudonymity is enough when you add some mixers and a bit of patience?

 A fanatic is upset about other fanatics 😂

You must be kidding about the no bitcoin arrests from chain analysis...DNM OGs like this get busted almost a decade later for a single on chain mistake:

But even worse, peoples bitcoin are blacklisted, and wrongly accused and imprisoned because they are tangentially connected based on chain analysis:
 i didn't say "no" i said "almost nobody"

just like tor's 3 hops 3 rounds of coinjoining pretty much wipes out any chance of making a positive correlation

blacklisted bitcoin can still be cleaned by applying it to fees because that ends up coinjoined in the mother of coinjoins, called "block fees"

i'm pretty sure that at least part of what the ordinals are doing is washing coins that are close to ones that have been marked

if you are dealing in big enough amounts of bitcoin to attract this kind of attention it is trivial for you to cover the cost of these processes so there's no excuse for getting caught 
 That is a single example. Where do you think seized Bitcoin at government auction comes from? Why is there no government auctions for Monero? Do they have any? I guess we would never know

"just like tor's 3 hops..."
Except that any future mistakes can potentially de-anonymize you. Trading partners can see your balances and trace you. Not only that, but over time any future mistakes from others that participated in your coinjoin rounds reduces your "privacy" and is out of your control. Made evident by people like this paying for a tiny mistake made years later.

You don't seem to understand the problem. Almost no user is going to do all these little optional hoop jumping tricks, spend way more money, and waste time to "wash" their coins.

The best Bitcoin "privacy"-wizard opsec-gymnast has worse privacy than the most retarded Monero user pressing send. And that is a shame.

 Funny, because most monero fanatics would think enough privacy is never enough, and bitcoiners are like, grade 4 maths is all i need.. fuck it..its traceable but they dont know its me. Not very well thought out, maybe you dont use bitcoin so its hard for you to understand 
 doesn't matter that it can be implemented on others

they don't because they don't have the pressure of such numbers of users, because they don't fundamentally solve any new problem, and most of them are based on a protocol invented in 1999 for resilient distributed databases 

you mean shitcoins 
 No I meant cryptocurrencies. 
 name one then